Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: New Therapeutic Target Found

Brain Connections Network Illustration

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia among older adults and is characterized by the loss of brain cells and the shrinkage of brain tissue. According to the World Health Organization, Alzheimer’s disease affects about 50 million people worldwide, and this number is expected to triple by 2050.

Researchers from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) have discovered that the protein medin co-aggregates with amyloid-β in the blood vessels of the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Their findings were recently published in the prestigious journal Nature.

“Medin has been known for over 20 years, but its influence on diseases was previously underestimated. We were able to show that pathological changes in the blood vessels of Alzheimer’s patients are significantly enhanced by medin,” says Dr. Jonas Neher from the Tübingen site of the DZNE, who led the study.

The Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in Tübingen, the University of Tübingen, and various international institutions and partners were also involved in this long-term project.

Medin belongs to the group of amyloids. Of these proteins, amyloid-β is best known because it clumps together in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. These aggregates then deposit both as so-called plaques directly in the brain tissue, but also in its blood vessels, thereby damaging the nerve cells and the blood vessels, respectively. But while many studies have focused on amyloid-β, medin has not been a focus of interest. “There was little evidence of pathology, that is, of a clinically striking finding associated with medin – and that is often the prerequisite for a more in-depth study of an amyloid,” Jonas Neher explains.

However, medin is actually found in the blood vessels of almost everybody over 50 years of age, making it the most common amyloid known. With his team, Jonas Neher originally found that medin even develops in aging mice, and reported this discovery two years ago in the scientific journal PNAS. The older the mice get, the more medin accumulates in the blood vessels of their brains, was the finding at the time. What’s more, when the brain becomes active and triggers an increase in blood supply, vessels with medin deposits expand more slowly than those without medin. This ability of blood vessels to expand, however, is important to optimally supply the brain with oxygen and nutrients.

For their latest results, the researchers built on this foundation and looked specifically at Alzheimer’s disease. First, they were able to show in Alzheimer’s mouse models that medin accumulates even more strongly in the brain’s blood vessels if amyloid-β deposits are also present. Importantly, these findings were confirmed when brain tissue from organ donors with Alzheimer’s dementia was analyzed. However, when mice were genetically modified to prevent medin formation, significantly fewer amyloid-β deposits developed, and as a result, less damage to blood vessels occurred.

“There are only a handful of research groups worldwide working on medin at all,” says Jonas Neher. Most recently, a study from the U.S. reported that medin levels may increase in Alzheimer’s patients. However, it remained unclear whether this increase is merely a consequence of the disease or whether it is one of the causes.

“We have now been able to show through many experiments that medin actually promotes vascular pathology in Alzheimer’s models,” Neher said. So medin deposits are indeed a cause of blood vessel damage. “And this indicates that medin is one of the causes of the disease,” Neher said.

In their studies, the researchers stained tissue sections from both mice and Alzheimer’s patients in such a way that specific proteins become visible. This allowed them to show that medin and amyloid-β are deposited together in blood vessels of the brain – co-localization is the technical term for this. In the next step, they were able to prove that these two amyloids also co-aggregate – that is, form mixed deposits.

“Amazingly, medin interacts directly with amyloid-β and promotes its aggregation – this was completely unknown,” Jonas Neher summarizes the results.

It is precisely from this insight that the researchers draw hope for the development of a new treatment. “Medin could be a therapeutic target to prevent vascular damage and cognitive decline resulting from amyloid accumulation in the blood vessels of the brain,” they conclude. It is undisputed among experts that in addition to amyloid-β aggregates in brain tissue, the development of Alzheimer’s disease is also promoted by vascular alterations – that is, reduced function or damage to blood vessels. Therefore, treatments that target not only plaques but also affected blood vessels could help patients.

Next, it will now be necessary to determine if medin aggregates can be removed therapeutically and whether this intervention actually has an effect on cognitive performance. The scientists first want to test this in mouse models, because these reflect the pathological changes in Alzheimer’s patients very well.

Reference: “Medin co-aggregates with vascular amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease” by Jessica Wagner, Karoline Degenhardt, Marleen Veit, Nikolaos Louros, Katerina Konstantoulea, Angelos Skodras, Katleen Wild, Ping Liu, Ulrike Obermüller, Vikas Bansal, Anupriya Dalmia, Lisa M. Häsler, Marius Lambert, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Hannah A. Davies, Jillian Madine, Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg, Regina Feederle, Domenico Del Turco, K. Peter R. Nilsson, Tammaryn Lashley, Thomas Deller, Marla Gearing, Lary C. Walker, Peter Heutink, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Mathias Jucker and Jonas J. Neher, 16 November 2022, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05440-3

3 Comments on "Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: New Therapeutic Target Found"

  1. So they find medin and they have another “Eureka” moment that pans out to be NOTHING and takes them 20-30 more years to figure that out…. So it clumps with amyloid-b. So what? I think that guy from Australia that blames much Alzheimer’s as a result of herpes and chicken pox viral infections of the brain and the damage it causes (amyloid being the side effect of the brain trying to fight the infection) is probably on a better track than more of this nonsense. Perhaps a mRNA vaccine for herpes and chicken pox would eliminate the true cause once and for all? They certainly wouldn’t hurt (value beyond the test) and we wouldn’t waste BILLIONS of pointless research trying to stop what are probably really infections of the brain. Herpes is rampant, as is chicken pox and susceptibility could very well be genetic and thus explain everything.

    But no, let’s keep running up that same hill and sliding back down over and over and over. The same is now happening with The Big Bang Theory. Webb clearly shows the expected data doesn’t match the reality. It’s obvious the Big Bang didn’t ever happen. But scientists would rather cling to that initial assumption until they did of old age than admit they were barking up the wrong tree all those decades. I’m afraid this proves Scientists are every bit as fanatical as religious people and act very similar when it comes to getting funding and approving new ideas. Let go. Start over. It’s better than wasting the time you have left on nothing but stubborn ego.

  2. Please contact me at:

  3. If you were to analyze were we live to ourbodies it would be the same except the magic that is missing. Which is tied up under our tongue and to mimic a disease the nagic of life is passed off as cancer. Mermaid children of magic. All nerve disease lies in the tenticals of the trees covered I’m fungi fungas that is controlled by outside radio microwave frequences. We are white and red blood cells and have become the disease relying on money for happiness. 254,552 years to our hosts thought process it is our purpose to send sound,emotions,MOJO,visuals,pain,movement, all through out the body of this beings life code we belong to. I bet if we knew all. Bacteria disease and infections, are littlegirls of magic as we make dry things from them. We would think twice of resource usage. We take organic life forms and force them from there environment to be another lifeform, now brainwashed, not knowing it’s purpose, you must repurpose an antibiotics journey to become friends with life forms inside you, to seek a cure instead of dominating
    , it will come here and do the same as an act. Walked by the trees which used to be Mermaids. Erotics is a raw fofm of while thinking and technic reaches out farther with sensations thar analyze and Translates into a form of life form blue print and repair process as trees go to bone marrow. Genitals are not a sexual organ. Harmonic, Calculating, Translating, Tensioning Nuts that the trees use to formu,ate and asses repair of DNA lifeforms. I developed a process that will allow al. Disease to not be disease to rebuild the immune system into a Superhuman format, eventually able to walk through nuclear fall out not needing protectikn

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