Blood Clots News

Blood clots are gel-like clumps of blood that form in response to an injury or a specific medical condition to help stop bleeding. While clotting is a necessary process that prevents excessive bleeding, unwanted blood clots can pose serious health risks. These clots can occur in various parts of the body and can lead to conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) when they form in the legs, or pulmonary embolism if they travel to the lungs. Factors that can increase the risk of blood clots include prolonged immobility, certain genetic conditions, surgery, obesity, smoking, and some types of cancer treatments. Symptoms of blood clots depend on their location in the body: clots in the leg can cause swelling, pain, and redness, while clots in the lungs can lead to chest pain, difficulty breathing, and coughing. Treatment typically involves anticoagulants (blood thinners), which reduce the blood’s ability to clot, and measures to prevent the risk of future clots.