James Webb Space Telescope Launch Postponed – Here’s Why and the New Launch Date

Webb Telescope L2 Flyby

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the next of NASA’s Great Observatories; following in the line of the Hubble Space Telescope, the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope. JWST combines qualities of two of its predecessors, observing in infrared light, like Spitzer, with fine resolution, like Hubble. Credit: NASA, SkyWorks Digital, Northrop Grumman, STScI

NASA and Arianespace successfully completed the Launch Readiness Review for the James Webb Space Telescope on December 21. The team authorized the rollout of the Ariane 5 rocket carrying Webb and initiated the launch sequencing for the mission.

Additionally, Webb teams recently completed a comprehensive day of launch rehearsal that involved a joint effort between launch site crews in French Guiana, and Webb’s Mission Operations Center (MOC) at the Space Telescope and Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. The various teams involved in launching Webb are all standing ready and have routinely practiced each step.

Next, the Ariane 5 rocket — with Webb safely encapsulated on top — is planned to begin the nearly two hour process of rolling out to the launch pad on December 22.

However, due to adverse weather conditions at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, the flight VA256 to launch Webb – initially scheduled for December 24 – is being postponed.

The new targeted launch date is December 25, as early as possible within the following launch window:

  • Between 7:20 a.m. and 7:52 a.m. Washington
  • Between 9:20 a.m. and 9:52 a.m. Kourou
  • Between 12:20 p.m. and 12:52 p.m. Universal (UTC)
  • Between 1:20 p.m. and 1:52 p.m. Paris
  • Between 9:20 p.m. and 9:52 p.m. Tokyo

This evening (December 22), another weather forecast will be issued in order to confirm the date of December 25. The Ariane 5 launch vehicle and Webb are in stable and safe conditions in the Final Assembly Building.

19 Comments on "James Webb Space Telescope Launch Postponed – Here’s Why and the New Launch Date"

  1. Also should be careful not to hit Santa Claus on the way up….

  2. The more problems they find now will clear up less once launched. Please don;t be in a hurry to launch

  3. Your Android website sucks. I tried portfolio as well as landscape. I could not scroll to read the caption on the first picture of the Webb telescope delayed article. The desktop version worked perfectly. Why bother with a mobile version if the desktop version works great? I am an engineer. How can you guys exist with this ineptitude? Make the person responsible get it together.

    • I’m on Android and it looks fine. You must be a trash engineer if you can’t configure your android to view web pages. You’re the inept one. I hope your boss fires you for being a dumbass.

    • Michael Hermesh | December 23, 2021 at 1:55 pm | Reply

      I think your comment is silly, I am an artist.-Michael Hermesh

  4. The animation reminds me of Lewis Caroll’s rhymes:
    > Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
    > How I wonder what you’re at
    > High above the Earth you fly
    > Like tea-tray in the sky

  5. Not an Engineer | December 23, 2021 at 5:06 am | Reply

    Damn Mark, it’s just an article. You probably made the author cry with your insensitive remarks over a silly issue. You never make mistakes Mark? Why are you so angry? Do you talk like this to everyone? Jeez Mark. Is it because you are an Engineer Mark? Are you just a better person than everyone else? Hey Mark…. Go sit in a corner.

  6. Better late than Cyberpunk 2077. Take your time, change the history.

  7. Why be concerned about the beginning of the universe. We would have not existed when you look past 5 billion light years. The Earth is super natural and we should not exist.

  8. No need to worry about JWST hitting Santa: Webb launching on time is just a made up story grownups tell to entertain small children. 😉

  9. Also not an engineer | December 23, 2021 at 12:34 pm | Reply

    ^^ what the other guy who’s not an engineer said. Chill tf out Mark. Lol.. on another note super excited to watch this launch on Christmas morning. That will be the best gift of the day. Anyone know if they’ll be broadcasting telemetry and video feed like SpaceX does?

  10. Please don’t hit Hubble on the way out. That would be the ultimate tragidy

  11. I’m not counting on a successful launch or deployment of instruments , may have been designed to fail bilking more money from taxpayers

  12. You are a horrible person. My nine year old read your comment. You are a punk and probably a pedifile. You nerd your ass beat you lowlife.

  13. ‘Lift that baby right up off the ground. N. Young

  14. About Engineer Mark | December 24, 2021 at 12:15 am | Reply

    I’ve never seen people being so consistent about punishing an overly-arrogant individual. I don’t know if it is the right way to do it, but it’s truly funny!
    Also, excited to Web’s launch!!!

  15. Sorry, but that’s just Mark. Earlier, he went outside and fired his shotgun into the air, then went in to tell his kids that Santa had shot himself. We struggle with this kinda thing all the time.

  16. New drinking game…down a mickey every time the launch dates is moved…I mean who needs a liver anyway….

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