Duke-NUS Medical School News

Duke-NUS Medical School is a prominent graduate medical school located in Singapore. Established in 2005 as a collaboration between Duke University in the United States and the National University of Singapore (NUS), it is the first US-style graduate-entry medical school in the Asia-Pacific region, offering a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. The school also provides Ph.D. programs in integrated biology and medicine, as well as a combined MD-Ph.D. track, catering to students focused on research-driven medical careers. Duke-NUS adopts a unique curriculum that emphasizes an integrative approach to teaching and learning medicine, focusing heavily on team-based learning and problem-solving exercises. This approach is designed to prepare graduates to become leaders in the medical field, innovating in healthcare delivery, and advancing medical research. The institution is also actively involved in biomedical research, with strong ties to Singapore’s extensive healthcare system and a mission to address medical challenges prevalent in Asia.