Samara University News

Samara University, officially known as Samara National Research University (Samara University named after Sergei Korolev), is a prominent public research university located in Samara, Russia. Established in 1942, it has grown to become one of the leading institutions for aerospace engineering, science, and technology in Russia. The university offers a diverse range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, with particular strengths in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics. Named after the renowned aerospace engineer Sergei Korolev, Samara University is recognized for its significant contributions to space research and technology. The university boasts modern facilities, including advanced laboratories and research centers, fostering an environment of innovation and scientific discovery. With a strong emphasis on international collaboration and practical training, Samara University prepares students for successful careers in various high-tech industries, contributing to advancements in global aerospace and engineering fields.