Volcano News

Volcanoes are geological formations created by the eruption of magma from beneath the Earth’s crust, resulting in the accumulation of volcanic rock on the surface. They are primarily found at tectonic plate boundaries—either converging, where one plate is subducted beneath another, or diverging, where plates move apart. Volcanoes can also form over hotspots, where mantle plumes heat the crust. These structures can vary significantly in shape and size, from the classic conical peaks like Mount Fuji to massive shield volcanoes like Mauna Loa. Volcanic activity involves the expulsion of lava, ash, and gases into the environment, which can have both destructive and beneficial effects. Eruptions can devastate local ecosystems, bury communities, and disrupt global climate patterns. However, volcanic soil is rich in nutrients, supporting robust agricultural activities, and geothermal energy derived from volcanoes can be harnessed for power. Studying volcanoes helps scientists understand Earth’s internal processes and mitigate the risks associated with volcanic eruptions.