First Observation of Nutation in Magnetic Materials – Fundamental to Making Digital Technology Faster and More Efficient

Nutation Scheme

An international team of scientists has managed for the first time to observe the ‘nutation’ of spins in magnetic materials (the oscillations of their axis during precession). The measured nutation period was of the order of one picosecond. The discovery was published by Nature Physics. Credit: Dunia Maccagni

Much of the ‘memory’ of the world and all our digital activities are based on media, hard disks, where the information is encoded thanks to magnetism, by orienting the spin of electrons in one direction or the opposite.

An international team of scientists led by the Italian physicist Stefano Bonetti, professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Stockholm University, has managed for the first time to observe the ‘nutation’ of these spins in magnetic materials, i.e. the oscillations of their axis during precession. The measured nutation period was of the order of one picosecond: one thousandth of a billionth of a second. The discovery was recently published by Nature Physics.

The axis of a spin performs nutation and precession, as with any object that revolves, from spinning tops to planets. In this research, physicists observed experimentally that the nutation of the magnetic spin axis is 1000 times faster than precession, a curiously similar ratio to that of Earth.

This new discovery on hitherto unknown physical characteristics of spins is fundamental in research to make digital technologies ever faster, compact and energetically efficient. To manipulate these phenomena at time scales of thousandths of billionths of a second, however, we first need to know their dynamics, including inertial dynamics.

Stefano Bonetti

An international team of scientists has managed for the first time to observe the ‘nutation’ of spins in magnetic materials (the oscillations of their axis during precession). The measured nutation period was of the order of one picosecond. The discovery was published by Nature Physics. Credit: Andrea Avezzù / Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

“This is the first direct and experimental evidence of the inertial movements of magnetic spins,” explains Stefano Bonetti, who coordinates an ERC project on ultrafast magnetism, “with implications that affect, for example, data centers that store almost all of humanity’s digital information in bits with the north pole up or down, thus encoding the computer 0s and 1s. When these spins are reversed to write information, precession, and nutation also come into play. Knowing the nutation period becomes essential as the rotation speed increases.

This first observation of these movements paves the way for new technologies to improve the efficiency of our digital activities, which, among all human activities, are recording the highest increase in energy consumption.”

The experiment

The experiment required collaboration with several European scientific laboratories in Germany (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Chemnitz University of Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, German Aerospace Center (DLR), TU Berlin) France (École Polytechnique) and Italy (Federico II University of Naples and ‘Parthenope’ University of Naples), with the key measurement made in the Helmholtz Research Centre in Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany.

In this center, the TELBE laboratory is capable of generating the intense terahertz radiation (i.e. the frequency range between microwaves and infrared) necessary for the experiment. The group led by Stefano Bonetti was among the first groups to use this laboratory and helped develop the actual machine.

“The first experiments were challenging,” says the Ca’ Foscari physicist, “but, after a couple of years, the machine was already operating at very high performance. These measurements were made over a year, on three different occasions, to check the reproducibility of this never-before observed effect.”

Stefano Bonetti’s activities are part of a broader context of investment by the Venetian University in scientific research and teaching of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems. Starting this academic year, this department is launching a degree program in Engineering Physics, coordinated by Bonetti, himself a physics engineer: “Science is always evolving, and who knows what we will be exploring ten years from now, but the idea of the new degree program is precisely to prepare a new generation of scientists who will be ready for the challenges of the future.”

Reference: “Inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets” by Kumar Neeraj, Nilesh Awari, Sergey Kovalev, Debanjan Polley, Nanna Zhou Hagström, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Anna Semisalova, Kilian Lenz, Bertram Green, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Igor Ilyakov, Min Chen, Mohammed Bawatna, Valentino Scalera, Massimiliano d’Aquino, Claudio Serpico, Olav Hellwig, Jean-Eric Wegrowe, Michael Gensch and Stefano Bonetti, 28 September 2020, Nature Physics.
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-020-01040-y

3 Comments on "First Observation of Nutation in Magnetic Materials – Fundamental to Making Digital Technology Faster and More Efficient"

  1. Sekar Vedaraman | October 17, 2020 at 5:27 pm | Reply

    Very intersting.

    Sharing a few thoughts for the future. The best storage material as far as I can recall is the gnetic storage of the meories. Maybe, the electrical acitivity of Neurotransmitters produces the necessary magnetic fields necessary to enable the storage and creation of memory cells in Humans and also other mamals and creatures on the planet, including insects , which seem to have an unerring instict to target humans in their quest for four neuro transmitters (Mosquitoes).

    Once again my belief that Science can only make rapid progress by multidisciplinary efforts of Scientists in all areas of Science and Arts as well as other areas of knowledge and specialities, which is barely understood and connections between the same are very poor currently at best!

    Good to see a new program.

    However, the future of humanity itself is dependent on its survival — which currently appears to be quite iffy, with restrictions to scientific information and latest and old research and knowledge of latest research on subjects of interest —- on the basis of stupid criteria and judgement excercised by judgmental morons—restricting access to those who are trying to find a solution. Whether we suceed or not in survival as a species, depends on all of the human race coming together and all who can contribute working toegether in co-operation , to address systemic solution rather than provide sub-optimal solutions by solving one problem at a time!

  2. Yerushalayim Bar Kodush | October 19, 2020 at 11:31 am | Reply

    The N/S rotation of the magnetic current is a sticking point.!
    To understand the real cause of the spin, you will have to look at, evaluate, observe the WE rotation of the lateral spin in/on, around the vertical N/S movement of the gravitational current. It is this micro current flux and spin that causes globular spin of c based Mass as the pulsar energy potential infracts as it passes thru the center of the C bases Mass. Galvanic current is the force of release escaping the ionic movement of partials trapped in the gravitational currents. Go back and look again. Apply (i){of √2i~ or I √-1} it will allow multidimensional access based on other than liner 01 0010 mathematical language.
    PAUPER PARACLETE The First Thought~ Yershua K!👑

  3. … yes, now find some phd guy that is a dean to remove this site…
    observation… a sarcasm…

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