Out of This World Archaeological Experiment Lands in Space

Space Station Close Up

The ISS Archaeological Project explores how astronauts use and interact with their environment on the International Space Station through a unique methodology involving daily photography of designated areas. This groundbreaking study offers a fresh perspective on human behavior in space.

Archaeologists have initiated a first-of-its-kind study aboard the International Space Station to analyze astronaut interaction with their surroundings, using daily photos to track changes and usage within taped-off areas.

A world-first – or solar system-first – archaeological project has this week begun on the International Space Station.

Led by archaeologists Associate Professor Alice Gorman from Flinders University and Associate Professor Justin Walsh of Chapman University in California, the International Space Station Archaeological Project (ISSAP) is the first archaeological study of a space habitat.

“We’re the first to try to understand how humans relate to the items they live within space,” says Associate Professor Walsh.

“By bringing archaeological perspectives to an active space domain, we’re the first to show how people adapt their behavior to a completely new environment.”

The team’s first project, Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment, or SQuARE, has now launched, with an experiment that creatively imagines for space the most basic technique for sampling an archaeological site: the test pit.

ISS International Space Station Over Earth

The SQuARE Project is the first archaeological study of a space habitat. Credit: NASA

While earth-bound archaeologists dig one-meter squares to understand a site and strategize further study, the ISSAP team will use adhesive tape to define one-meter areas of the International Space Station and then use daily photographs to study how the spaces are used.

“Instead of digging them to reveal new layers of soil representing different moments in the site’s history, we will have them photographed each day to identify how they’re being used and how they change over time,” explains Associate Professor Gorman.

Set up by NASA astronaut Kayla Barron on Friday afternoon GMT (the time zone of the ISS), the squares have been placed in a handful of locations representing work and leisure, including a galley table, workstation, EXPRESS racks, and the wall across from the latrine.

As part of the experiment, the ISS crew themselves also chose an additional location for study, based on their assessment of what would be interesting to document, with the final square placed on one of the racks in the US laboratory module, Destiny.

The daily photography is now underway and will continue for 60 days.

The project has been funded by the Chapman University and implemented with the assistance of Axiom Space.

2 Comments on "Out of This World Archaeological Experiment Lands in Space"

  1. Interesting.

    Have always wondered if Archeological digs are possible without actually digging.

    Virtual acgheology? We can probably do the same for planets and moons in our solar system as well by digging digital virtual squares and examining the material in that square remotely from the Main Space Satellite circling the planet / moon or other rocky space body!

    Getting the accurate data is the key. For benchmarking use the actual digs on earth and compare the data with the Virtual Digital Digs. Will improve accuracy of conclusions drawn.

    Views expressed are personal and not binding on anyone.

  2. kamir bouchareb st | January 24, 2022 at 12:02 am | Reply


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