ARIEL, which stands for Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, is a space mission led by the European Space Agency (ESA) aimed at studying the atmospheres of exoplanets. Scheduled for launch in 2029, ARIEL’s primary objective is to investigate the chemical composition, thermal structures, and cloud properties of a diverse range of exoplanet atmospheres. This mission is particularly focused on hot and warm planets orbiting close to their host stars, including both gas giants and smaller, rocky planets.

ARIEL will employ a meter-class telescope equipped with a spectrometer to analyze the light emitted or reflected by an exoplanet’s atmosphere, allowing scientists to determine its composition and dynamics. This mission is expected to provide insights into the formation and evolutionary histories of planetary systems, including our own. By surveying over 1,000 planets, ARIEL aims to deliver a statistical analysis of exoplanet atmospheres, which will help in understanding the physics and chemistry of these distant worlds.