Big Bang News

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model describing the early development of the Universe. According to this theory, the Universe began as an extremely hot and dense point approximately 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. This initial expansion from a singularity involved a sequence of events, starting with a period of exponential growth called cosmic inflation, which smoothed out the distribution of energy and matter. Following this rapid expansion, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow subatomic particles and simple atoms to form. As the Universe continued to expand and cool, the first stars and galaxies began to coalesce from slight irregularities in the matter density, leading to the large-scale structure observed in the Universe today. The Big Bang theory is supported by multiple lines of evidence, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the afterglow of the initial explosion, and the observed distribution of galaxies and their redshifts, which indicates that the Universe is still expanding.