Edwin Hubble News

Edwin Hubble was an influential American astronomer whose work in the early 20th century fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe. Born in 1889 in Missouri, Hubble studied astronomy and mathematics at the University of Chicago and later earned a law degree as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. Despite his initial career in law, his passion for astronomy led him back to the sciences, where he eventually joined the staff of the Mount Wilson Observatory in California.

Hubble’s most significant contributions include the discovery of galaxies outside our own Milky Way and the formulation of Hubble’s Law, which posits that the universe is expanding. This observation laid the foundation for the Big Bang theory. Using the largest telescopes of his time, Hubble was able to observe and categorize galaxies, differentiating them by shape and content, which led to the development of the Hubble Sequence, a classification system for galaxies still used today. His groundbreaking discoveries have earned him a lasting legacy in the field of astronomy, highlighted by the naming of the Hubble Space Telescope in his honor, which continues to explore the cosmos following his pioneering spirit.