Lungs News

Lungs are vital respiratory organs found in mammals, birds, and most reptiles, which are essential for breathing and gas exchange. In humans, the lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax). The primary function of the lungs is to oxygenate blood by extracting oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide from the blood to the air, a process that occurs in the millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli. The lungs are part of the lower respiratory system, which includes the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles that channel air in and out of the lungs. The surface area of the lungs is impressively large, due to the extensive network of alveoli, facilitating the vast exchange of gases necessary to support the body’s functions. The respiratory system is closely linked with the circulatory system, ensuring that oxygen-rich blood reaches all parts of the body while removing carbon dioxide waste, a byproduct of cellular metabolism.