Starbursts News

Starbursts are a phenomenon in astronomy where an unusually high rate of star formation occurs within a galaxy. These bursts can produce stars at a rate tens or even hundreds of times greater than average, often triggered by interactions or collisions with other galaxies. During these events, the intense gravitational forces and the mixing of gases can lead to the rapid formation of new stars, especially in areas rich in molecular clouds. Starbursts can last anywhere from 10 million to a billion years, depending on the size and dynamics of the galaxy involved. They play a significant role in the evolution of galaxies by influencing their luminosity, structure, and the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Observations of starburst galaxies are crucial for understanding the processes that drive galactic formation and evolution across the cosmos.

Hubble Views Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1140

This newly released Hubble image shows dwarf galaxy NGC 1140, which is located 60 million light-years away. This dramatic image shows the NASA/ESA Hubble Space…