Mimas News

Mimas, one of Saturn’s innermost moons, is a small celestial body that was discovered in 1789 by astronomer William Herschel. Notable for its stark resemblance to the fictional “Death Star” from the “Star Wars” films due to a large impact crater named Herschel, Mimas measures about 396 kilometers in diameter. This crater is significant relative to the moon’s overall size, featuring a diameter of 130 kilometers and a depth of 10 kilometers, making it one of the most defining features of Mimas. The moon is composed primarily of water ice with a small amount of rock, making it highly reflective and one of the brightest objects in the solar system. Its heavily cratered surface and irregular shape, along with its relatively low density, indicate that Mimas is largely geologically inactive, serving as a frozen snapshot of the early solar system’s conditions.

Cassini Views Mimas’ Mountain

This newly released Cassini image shows Herschel Crater on Saturn’s Moon Mimas, revealing an indication of the size of the crater’s towering walls and central…