New Research Analyzes the Types of Relationships Between Cats and Their Owners – Take the Quiz Yourself!

Cat and Owner

A recent study investigated the behavior of pet cats to gain insights into their relationship with their owners.

Cat Fight or Feline the Love?

Co-dependent and clingy or casual and aloof – a new study has examined the behavior of pet cats to understand what it means about their relationship with their owner, and the research suggests it’s a two-way street!

The research “My Cat and Me – a Study of Cat Owner Perceptions of Their Bond and Relationship” by academics at the University of Lincoln, UK, involved nearly 4000 owners responding to a series of statements about their own behavior and that of their pet.

In addition to the research, the University of Lincoln has launched a new interactive quiz on its website (the website no longer exists) so cat owners can find out what kind of relationship they have with their feline companions.

Despite the cat’s popularity as a pet, little is known about its bond and relationship with its owners. The study identifies and characterizes the different types of relationships which cats might establish with their owners by using human attachment and social support theories.

Tabby Cat and Owner

The questionnaire, available as part of the interactive quiz, was developed to gather information regarding different emotional elements that could underpin the relationship. These included the cat’s potential perception of the owner as a secure base in a home, the owner’s level of engagement with the cat, their sensitivity to the cat’s needs and the consistency of the owner’s interactions with the cat.

Five distinct forms of cat-owner relationship were identified. These relationships are what people might categorize as: ‘Open relationship’, ‘Remote association’, ‘Casual relationship’, ‘Co-dependence’ and ‘Friendship’.  

Professor Daniel Mills, animal behavioral specialist at the University of Lincoln, said: “Cats form close emotional relationships with humans, yet little is actually known about this. As with any complex social relationship, the type of cat-owner bond is a product of the dynamic between both individuals involved, along with their certain personality features.

“While many cats may be aloof, it seems that this is not as common as might be portrayed. The wider sociability of the cat and owner expectations may be significant, and the owner’s level of emotional investment in the cat and the cat’s sociability appear to be particularly important in discriminating what type of relationship they have together.”

The ‘open relationship bond’ was characterized by a lightly emotionally invested owner and an avoidant cat. The ‘Remote association’ and ‘Casual relationship’ involved a relatively emotionally-distant owner but the cat’s acceptance of other people varied. The ‘Co-dependent’ and ‘Friendship’ relationship had emotionally invested owners but again the cat’s acceptance of others varied, as well as the need for the cat to stay close to its owner.

It is hoped the research will improve understanding of owner relationships with cats and pave the way to better pet care more generally.

Reference: “My Cat and Me—A Study of Cat Owner Perceptions of Their Bond and Relationship” by Mauro Ines, Claire Ricci-Bonot and Daniel S. Mills, 29 May 2021, Animals.
DOI: 10.3390/ani11061601

6 Comments on "New Research Analyzes the Types of Relationships Between Cats and Their Owners – Take the Quiz Yourself!"

  1. When I clicked on the website to “take the quiz yourself” I was routed to an advertisement page that had nothing to do with the quiz. I was so furious I almost decide to unsubscribe. WATCH IT GUYS or you will lose subscribers.

  2. Clyde Spencer | June 27, 2021 at 10:49 am | Reply

    As between humans, emotional relationships with humans and cats can change over time. If the cat has not been raised from a kitten, it has to learn that it can trust its owner.

  3. so….
    where is the link?

  4. Where is quiz???

  5. Cheryl Lundholm | April 24, 2024 at 9:48 pm | Reply

    My cat and I love and and adore each other!

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