Stellar Surprise: Fountain of Youth in the Center of Our Galaxy “Shouldn’t Be Possible”

Astrophysics Star Birth Art

Researchers have discovered that the star cluster IRS13 near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* in our galaxy is much younger than anticipated. This challenges existing theories about star formation near black holes. The team suggests IRS13 had a turbulent formation, which may have led to the unexpected presence of young stars in its vicinity.

An international team has found that the IRS13 star cluster near our galaxy’s central black hole is surprisingly young. The discovery, made possible through decades of data and the James Webb Space Telescope, challenges current star formation theories and offers insights into the history and future of our galaxy’s center.

An international team led by Dr. Florian Peißker at the University of Cologne’s Institute of Astrophysics has taken a detailed look at a young star cluster near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) in our galaxy’s center. Surprisingly, they found that this cluster, IRS13, is much younger than anticipated.

Discovered over twenty years ago, only recently has it been possible able to identify the cluster’s specific members. They achieved this by combining a diverse array of data from multiple telescopes gathered over several decades.

The stars in the cluster are a mere few hundred thousand years old, exceptionally young by stellar standards, especially when compared to our 5 billion-year-old sun. Intriguingly, given the high-energy radiation and the galaxy’s tidal forces, it shouldn’t be possible for so many young stars to exist near the supermassive black hole.

This research, titled “The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. I. Detection of a Rich Population of Dusty Objects in the IRS13 Cluster,” has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Star Cluster IRS13

A multi-wavelength view of the surroundings of the supermassive black hole SgrA* (yellow X). Red are the stars, blue the dust. Many of the young stars in the star cluster IRS13 are obscured by the dust or blended in by the bright stars. Credit: Florian Peissker / University of Cologne

James Webb Space Telescope’s Findings

In relation to this study, another significant discovery was made using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). For the first time, the JWST produced a spectrum of the Galactic Center that is free from atmospheric interference. This feat was made possible thanks to a prism developed at the Institute of Astrophysics, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Andreas Eckart, who is a co-author of this research. The resulting spectrum revealed the presence of water ice at the Galactic Center. This water ice, commonly found around young stellar objects, serves as further evidence supporting the young age of some stars near the black hole.

The Turbulent History of IRS13

Further insights from Dr. Peißker’s team suggest that IRS13 has undergone a complex formation history. It appears that IRS13 migrated toward the supermassive black hole, influenced by factors such as friction with the interstellar medium, collisions with other star clusters, or its internal dynamics. At some point, the black hole’s gravity “captured” the cluster. This gravitational interaction likely resulted in a bow shock formation at the cluster’s forefront, resembling a ship’s tip cutting through water. The resulting spike in dust density might have then triggered further star formation, which could explain why the cluster’s youngest stars are primarily at its top or front.

Deciphering Stellar Mysteries

“The analysis of IRS13 and the accompanying interpretation of the cluster is the first attempt to unravel a decade-old mystery about the unexpectedly young stars in the Galactic Center,” according to Dr. Peißker. “In addition to IRS13, there is a star cluster, the so-called S-cluster, which is even closer to the black hole and also consists of young stars. They are also significantly younger than would be possible according to accepted theories.”

The findings on IRS13 provide the opportunity for further research to establish a connection between the direct vicinity of the black hole and regions several light years away.

Dr. Michal Zajaček, second author of the study and scientist at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), added: “The star cluster IRS13 seems to be the key to unraveling the origin of the dense star population at the center of our galaxy. We have gathered extensive evidence that very young stars within the range of the supermassive black hole may have formed in star clusters such as IRS13. This is also the first time we have been able to identify star populations of different ages – hot main sequence stars and young emerging stars – in the cluster so close to the center of the Milky Way.”

Reference: “The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. I. Detection of a Rich Population of Dusty Objects in the IRS 13 Cluster” by Florian Peißker, Michal Zajaček, Lauritz Thomkins, Andreas Eckart, Lucas Labadie, Vladimír Karas, Nadeen B. Sabha, Lukas Steiniger and Maria Melamed, 10 October 2023, The Astrophysical Journal.
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acf6b5

9 Comments on "Stellar Surprise: Fountain of Youth in the Center of Our Galaxy “Shouldn’t Be Possible”"

  1. This is fascinating information and I am wondering just one thing as it relates to the age of these stars. Is there any effect on the age associated with their proximity to a black hole. Does that kind of gravitational force have any effect on their relative age as apposed to stars that are farther from the black holes gravity. Essentially. Is it possible that they are also younger because less time has passed for them because of the gravitational effect around them?

  2. Or maybe….maybe scientists don’t know their heads from their asses.

    • LMAO 😂 there’s no maybe to that. They don’t know. Besides, science and science fiction are in fact all in one the same. We’re fed nothing but stories, manipulation, lies, if you will. All to keep people’s mind somewhere other than what the real facts of truth are. The sad thing is that, people don’t want to think for themselves or can’t handle the real truth and don’t wanna have their fantasy bubble popped. Sheep being led by wolves in sheep’s costume. The world is full of evil magicians fooling people with their hoaxes.

    • Really, I guess you failed biology since it is relatively simple to know heads from asses.

  3. Listen up,what if black hole gravity ,while pulling dust made dust hit each other and spin off the black hole and while influenced by gravity creates star.

  4. Interesting finds. It’s amazing that we’re talking of young stars. I’ve always thought stats were as old as the universe itself. Kudos to the scientists who made the discovery.

  5. LMAO 😂 there’s no maybe to that. They don’t know. Besides, science and science fiction are in fact all in one the same. We’re fed nothing but stories, manipulation, lies, if you will. All to keep people’s mind somewhere other than what the real facts of truth are. The sad thing is that, people don’t want to think for themselves or can’t handle the real truth and don’t wanna have their fantasy bubble popped. Sheep being led by wolves in sheep’s costume. The world is full of evil magicians fooling people with their hoaxes.

  6. It’s funny that how many fail to see realizing certain things being said contradict one another by saying different an opposite from what they give you, knowing it’s right in front of you because most will not have the mind capability to acknowledge it. Here’s something to think about. Does it ever occur in your mind that how you’re told, if space first off was real, then how if it were to be an enormous vacuum with incredible CFM that would just suck everything into it then how or where would you get that it has what is only and always will be just a theory of, gravity? Then proceed to talk about gravitational pull and density in how they used those two in a statement being said. Too many people have been mislead and steered away from God because of what they’re being told or the fake things being shown and that’s been the plan for thousands of centuries. The greatest trick that the devil will ever perform is manipulation of tricking people that God doesn’t exist. Now look at the world today and ask yourself, is he doing a pretty outstanding job of tricking everyone? You can’t have good without evil and vice versa. There has to be balance or there will be only chaos, no matter if you had all good or bad. Those who don’t question things and just believe all you’re told even if you know in your head something just seems off about something, you need to stop being so biased and just at least look at things two sided and use the God given common sense you are given to compare things and make sense of what’s real and what are illusionary stories being told just to throw you the opposite direction of what true facts being hidden really are in this corruptive world we’re passing through.

  7. I am me…..well said

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