Dione News

Dione is one of Saturn’s moons, discovered by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Cassini in 1684. It is the 15th largest moon in the solar system and is primarily composed of water ice with a smaller fraction of rock, suggesting a heavily cratered, icy surface with some geological differentiation. Dione orbits Saturn at a distance of about 377,400 kilometers and completes an orbit every 2.7 days. Its surface features include ice cliffs and valleys, as well as impact craters and basins, indicating a history of significant geological activity. The Cassini spacecraft, which orbited Saturn from 2004 to 2017, provided detailed images and data about Dione, revealing a complex surface and hinting at the possibility of a subsurface ocean similar to those suspected on other moons like Enceladus and Europa. This makes Dione an object of interest in the study of potentially habitable environments in our solar system.

Cassini Views Dione and Enceladus

This new image from the Cassini Spacecraft shows Saturn’s moons Dione and Enceladus. Although Dione (near) and Enceladus (far) are composed of nearly the same…

Cassini Views the Wisps of Dione

This newly released Cassini image shows a series of geologically fresh fractures on the surface of Dione. Although the crack-like features seen here on Dione’s…