Mice News

Mice are small, widespread rodents known for their pointed snouts, small rounded ears, and long, often hairless tails. Scientifically referred to as ‘Mus’, the most common species is the house mouse (‘Mus musculus’), which is also a popular model organism in scientific research due to its close genetic, biological, and behavioral similarities to humans, as well as its short reproduction cycle and adaptability. Mice are omnivorous, feeding on a diverse diet ranging from grains to fruits and occasionally insects. They are known for their ability to adapt to and thrive in various environments, making them one of the most ubiquitous mammalian species, residing in areas occupied by humans as well as wild habitats. Their presence is significant both ecologically and economically, impacting food supplies and human health as they can carry and transmit diseases, yet also contributing to ecosystems by serving as prey for various predators.

Why Are Mice Afraid of Bananas?

Scientists have identified a form of chemical signaling in mice to defend their offspring. The researchers, from McGill University, found that proximity to pregnant and…