Mummy News

A mummy refers to the preserved body of a human or animal, typically associated with ancient Egyptian practices, though mummification has also been found in other cultures such as the Incas of South America and the Chinchorro of Chile. In Egypt, mummification was a complex process involving embalming the body and wrapping it in linen, believed to preserve the deceased for the afterlife, a concept central to ancient Egyptian religion. The internal organs were often removed and preserved separately, with the heart usually left inside the body. Mummies provide invaluable insights into the health, lifestyle, and diseases of past populations and have been crucial in the study of ancient civilizations. Modern science, through techniques like X-ray and DNA analysis, continues to uncover details about the diet, health, and even family lineage of mummified individuals, offering a direct link to human history and cultural practices.

Ötzi the Iceman’s Final Hours

It was previously thought that Ötzi the iceman’s last hours consisted of him being caught and killed after a grueling chase, but new evidence suggests…