Tethys News

Tethys is one of the major moons of Saturn, discovered in 1684 by the astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini. It is the fifth largest of Saturn’s moons and is primarily composed of water ice with a small amount of rock, making it highly reflective. Tethys has a number of distinctive features, including a massive crater named Odysseus, which is nearly 450 kilometers wide and dominates its surface, giving the moon a noticeably scarred appearance. Another striking feature is Ithaca Chasma, a huge valley that stretches about three-quarters of the way around the moon’s circumference. These features suggest a violent history of impacts and internal disruptions. Tethys orbits Saturn at a distance of about 294,660 kilometers and shares its orbit with two smaller moons, Telesto and Calypso, which are located in stable Lagrange points as Tethys’ leading and trailing companions, respectively.