Tsunami News

Tsunamis are large, powerful ocean waves caused primarily by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or meteorite impacts. When an abrupt displacement of a large volume of water occurs, it generates waves that travel across the ocean at high speeds. As these waves approach shallow coastal waters, they slow down but increase in height and energy, potentially rising to devastating heights upon reaching the shore. The impact of a tsunami can be catastrophic, leading to massive flooding, destruction of infrastructure, and loss of life. Tsunamis are distinguished from regular ocean waves by their incredible wavelength, often exceeding 100 kilometers, which allows them to carry high energy across vast distances with little loss. Early warning systems and international cooperation are crucial in mitigating the impact of tsunamis, especially in vulnerable coastal regions. The study of tsunamis is a critical part of oceanographic and geological sciences, aiming to better predict and respond to these natural disasters.