Zebrafish News

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are small freshwater fish native to South Asia and widely used as a model organism in scientific research. They are particularly favored in the fields of developmental biology, genetics, and medical research due to several advantageous traits. Zebrafish embryos are transparent, which allows researchers to easily observe their development under a microscope. They also develop rapidly, with major organs beginning to form within 24 hours of fertilization and becoming fully functional within five to six days. Zebrafish share a significant amount of genetic similarity with humans, making them an excellent model for studying human diseases and biological processes. Their genetic structure is well-mapped, and they are amenable to genetic modifications, facilitating studies in gene function and genetic diseases. Additionally, zebrafish are prolific breeders and easy to maintain in laboratory settings, further enhancing their utility for large-scale genetic and pharmacological studies.