Termination Shock: Trying To Cool the Earth by Dimming Sunlight Could Be Worse Than Global Warming

Sun Rises Over Earth

Geoengineering aims to intervene in Earth’s climate to fight global warming.

A group of 60 scientists called for a moratorium on solar geoengineering last month, including technologies such as stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI). This involves a fleet of aeroplanes releasing aerosol particles – which reflect sunlight back to outer space – into the atmosphere, cooling down the Earth.

SAI might make the sky slightly whiter. But this is the least of our concerns. SAI could pose grave dangers, potentially worse than the warming it seeks to remedy. To understand the risks, we’ve undertaken a risk assessment of this controversial technology.

A cooler Earth means less water would be evaporating from its surfaces into the atmosphere, changing rainfall patterns. This could produce ripple effects across the world’s ecosystems – but the exact nature of these effects depends on how SAI is used. Poor coordination of aerosol release could lead to extreme rainfall in some places and blistering drought in others, further triggering the spread of diseases.

SAI could also make natural catastrophes worse than they currently are. A volcanic eruption, like that of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010, could naturally cool the Earth as plumes of ash block sunlight from reaching the planet’s surface. If this happened while SAI was deployed, it would have to be urgently adjusted (not an easy feat) to avoid overcooling one hemisphere and producing extreme weather patterns as a result.

Similarly, although nuclear war may seem unlikely, global nuclear capabilities continue to grow, and bad political decision-makers are in no short supply. A “nuclear winter,” during which global temperatures drop for years due to soot clouds from nuclear-triggered fires, could be deepened by SAI.

Global Warming Drought

The consequences of SAI could be far worse than a whitened sky.

Termination shock

SAI would likely rely on aerosols being consistently sprayed into the atmosphere by a fleet of aeroplanes, as the particles have a half-life of approximately eight months. Satellites would be needed to coordinate these efforts and help monitor any atmospheric changes.

Any disaster severe enough to permanently disable these systems could trigger a “termination shock”. If an SAI system effectively “hiding” global warming were suddenly removed for an extended period, the Earth could heat up by multiple degrees in a matter of decades. If we’re already seeing fires, heatwaves, and flash floods across the world with around 1.1°C (1.98ºF) of warming since 1850, just imagine what warming of 3-4°C (5.4-7.2ºF) would do.

There are numerous ways in which an SAI system could be disrupted. An unprecedented explosion of solar matter, related to a solar flare, could knock out the world’s electrical systems by smashing into the Earth’s magnetic field. This could damage the aviation and satellite systems needed for SAI.

Hoping that catastrophes will simply not occur in the coming century would also be a mistake. One model estimating the likelihood of nuclear war between Russia and the US puts that probability at 0.9% per year. Estimates of large-scale space weather events range from 0.46% to 20.3% per year.

October 2021 X-Class Solar Flare

Unexpected solar activity could knock out SAI systems.

SAI could also be an attractive target for cyberattacks. In 2019, a group of hackers named DarkSide took the US oil company Colonial Pipeline hostage by launching a ransomware attack on their computer systems. Fearing widespread fuel shortages across the US, operators were forced to pay £3.7 million to DarkSide in exchange for reactivating their systems.

And in 2000, the automated sewage system in the small coastal Australian region of Maroochy released hundreds of thousands of gallons of sewage into the sea. These “leaks” were actually caused by a single disgruntled ex-employee of the company that installed the system. An international infrastructural system masking global warming would attract more reasons for controversy, have a larger workforce than a local sewage system, and could likely fetch an even higher payoff.

Political mess?

Of course, it’s possible that SAI will end up being used responsibly. But if one thing goes sufficiently wrong – such as one unpredictable solar storm taking place – the hidden risks of SAI could be unleashed. Predictions of SAI’s average or “most likely” outcomes are generally fine. But although far less likely, SAI’s worst case scenarios could be calamitous.

If SAI is used sparingly to offset a smaller amount of warming, any negative impacts would be minimized. Most SAI models assume ideal conditions, where a cooperative group of countries rationally and carefully deploy SAI. Unfortunately, international politics is messy.

A small group of countries that prefer a cooler Earth could start to use SAI without international agreement. Yet there is little research on what the effects of this more disorganised use of SAI might be.

In an ideal world, those governing SAI would ensure that its infrastructure is resilient against catastrophes, operated cooperatively between countries, has extensive backups and is closely monitored for the duration of SAI deployment (likely decades and potentially over a century). And to ensure we don’t get trapped into relying on SAI indefinitely, we’ll still have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero, as well as removing excess emissions from the atmosphere.

Angry Woman COVID Mask

Poor governance during the pandemic may leave low hopes for SAI governance in the future.

But assuming this kind of governance would be naive. Just consider the pandemic. From underinvesting in COVID-19 testing and vaccine development to placing misguided trust in herd immunity, policymakers have not proven reliable decision-makers. Imagine the conflict over placing a chemical mask over the Earth.

SAI could become a highly politicized issue, with changes in SAI use driven by political swings rather than sound science. And the fossil fuel industry and its supporters may well develop a vested interest in using SAI to delay the use of renewables.

Is SAI worse than climate change? We’re still uncertain. What we can say is this: in a world where things don’t go wrong, SAI is a prudent response to the climate crisis. But we live in a world of complexity and chaos, where relying on SAI would be deeply unwise. By tightly coupling the climate system to the global economic and political system, using SAI would be hoisting up a planetary Sword of Damocles.

Written by:

  • Luke Kemp – Postdoctoral Research Associate in Existential Risk, University of Cambridge
  • Aaron Tang – PhD Scholar in Climate Governance, Australian National University

This article was first published in The Conversation.The Conversation

13 Comments on "Termination Shock: Trying To Cool the Earth by Dimming Sunlight Could Be Worse Than Global Warming"

  1. If human control of climate is this problematic it’s equally problematic to develop other methods. Control of CO2 could be equally catastrophic.

    So I dont get the argument.

  2. I think our first step should be collectively getting these “bad policy makers” out of office, on both sides of the isle (albeit more from one side than the other). There needs to be some sort of common sense exam politicians must pass before taking office even if they were elected.

  3. No mention is made of less photosynthesis since the sun will be less on the ground and through the water. Isn’t the point of mitigating global warming is to try to trap carbon? Whitening the skies will reduce carbon capture, it’s stupid in so many ways.

  4. The M.E.E.R.S. project does not “dim sunlight”. This proposal reflects sunlight, and can be turned completely off at any time. Bouncing solar energy back out into space does not have the same problems as injecting aerosols. The M.E.E.R.S. project is the only viable tool identified to manage excessive heat and excessive energy being absorbed by the atmosphere due to greenhouse gasses being released. This is crucial to understand, heat management MUST be accomplished while figuring out how actual C02 levels can be drawn down, a process that will take many centuries (time we do not have).

    • John.. There is technology to capture and store CO2 under pressure into geolgical locations. The problem being that not enough can be stored to make a difference, never mind the cost and the risks. They can’t even store one ppm after 30 years.

  5. Have these guys even considered that none of these stupid plans can be done without using fossils fuels for transportation…gasoline, diesel and biofuels. All that will add more CO2, already at a high. Talk about termination shock. Stop using fossil fuels? Stop using the reliable energy that got us here? Yes, a common sense exam might help.

  6. The most frightening thing about the climate change fanatics is wasting resources on reversing warming. I get that green energy companies made heat trapping from CO2 a “crisis” so they can expedite their profits against traditional fuels, but now we have idiots thinking that cooling this already too cold planet is a good idea. Please just embrace alternative energy without wasting our economy on making the earth LESS habitable.

  7. Filling our skies with extremely toxic nano-particulates has been going on for quite some time now. See GeoengineeringWatch.org for all the well-documented science.

  8. Building dams to control floods have similar problems: catastrophic failures, political conflicts etc. But we still use them.

  9. This article tries to convey the impression that the large scale spraying of aerosol particles hasn’t already been going on for years now.

    They have been blanketing the sky and have long been referred to as Chemtrails.

    Chemtrails have been happening for many, many years now. We are continuously being treated to the scene of a half dozen jet contrails somehow spreading out to cover the entire sky. This has happened all across the country, and is happening even now.

    Since contrails are primarily water vapor, they should not spread and blot out the sun the way these chemtrails have. When just a handful of trails can spread out so far that they completely block the sunlight, there is more involved than simple water vapor.

    • Absolutely spot on.The science community has stated “the time for geoengineering is now”, while simultaneously denying that climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years with catastrophic results. GeoengineeringWatch.org.

  10. A world gone mad. CO2 is measly .04% of the air and can be much higher safely. It is literally plant food. The thought that the planet is warming due to man is nothing but fear to be used as a control tactic. The data is fudged largely by the increase in urban data points which are up to 5 degrees C higher than rural stations. This is a well known but conveniently ignored skewing of the data. Climategate also showed these pseudo-scientists revising down data from previous years to make recent trends appear more dramatic.

    SAI programs have been ongoing for years despite nobody admitting they exist. It’s all very hush hush as if we’re all stupid. Nowhere in this article do they point to the health risks for those who inhale the unknown cocktail of toxic, metallic chemicals. Full disclosure and a criminal investigation are warranted as well as an injunction that stops these chemical aerial dumps immediately.

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