The Surprising Truth About Vehicle Lifespan Caps and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Old Cars Junk Yard

A new study in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability reveals that lifespan caps on passenger vehicles have limited effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and may increase costs and material usage.

Researchers find that lifespan caps on passenger vehicles have limited impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and could increase costs and material usage.

Lifespan caps for passenger vehicles have little impact on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and may increase costs and material usage. This is according to a new study published in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. The research shows that although Light-Duty vehicles (LDVs) contribute 17% to the annual greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, imposing a 15-year lifespan cap on LDV fleets under a business-as-usual scenario will not lead to any meaningful reductions in GHG emissions.

To combat the delayed uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs), some have advocated for limits on the vehicle’s serviceable years, called a lifespan cap. However, this study finds that life span caps to drive the adoption of EVs could amplify some of the negative effects of EVs including increased usage of critical materials and increased ecotoxicity related to battery production. Also, the costs of accelerated EV deployment are estimated to be very high and often exceed current estimates for the social costs of carbon.

According to the study, lifespan caps are only effective when implemented alongside complementary strategies, such as electricity grid emissions intensity reductions, vehicle fuel consumption improvements, and vehicle production emissions reductions to boost the GHG emissions benefits, while reducing abatement costs.

The team, led by researchers at the University of Toronto, used the Fleet Life Cycle Assessment and Material Flow Estimation (FLAME) model, coupled with comprehensive cost calculations and sensitivity analyses for electric vehicle survival curves and battery degradation, to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of vehicle lifespan caps in reducing the GHG emissions of LDV fleets in the US.

Heather MacLean, Professor at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto, says: “Lifespan caps can be a powerful tool to accelerate the benefits of new vehicle technologies, particularly when it comes to reducing GHG emissions, however they can also accelerate the costs. Our results show that while they may be suitable in some situations, lifespan caps are best positioned as part of a larger integrated strategy for tackling transportation GHG emissions.”

Reference: “Are vehicle lifespan caps an effective and efficient method for reducing US light-duty vehicle fleet GHG emissions?” by Melissa Cusack Striepe, Alexandre Milovanoff, Amir F N Abdul-Manan, Jon McKechnie, I Daniel Posen and Heather L MacLean, 15 May 2024, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.
DOI: 10.1088/2634-4505/ad397e

2 Comments on "The Surprising Truth About Vehicle Lifespan Caps and Greenhouse Gas Emissions"

  1. Clyde Spencer | May 15, 2024 at 7:45 am | Reply

    The drive to promote EV adoption, without the necessary infrastructure for charging, and insecure supplies of essential resources like copper, lithium, and manganese, is a classic example of “Ready, Fire, Aim.” Those advocating the adoption haven’t analyzed the issues, let alone proposed solutions.

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