Fragments of Energy – Not Waves or Particles – May Be the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe

Universe Energy Concept

New mathematics have shown that lines of energy can be used to describe the universe.

Matter is what makes up the universe, but what makes up matter? This question has long been tricky for those who think about it – especially for the physicists. Reflecting recent trends in physics, my colleague Jeffrey Eischen and I have described an updated way to think about matter. We propose that matter is not made of particles or waves, as was long thought, but – more fundamentally – that matter is made of fragments of energy.

Five Elements

In ancient times, five elements were thought to be the building blocks of reality.

From five to one

The ancient Greeks conceived of five building blocks of matter – from bottom to top: earth, water, air, fire, and aether. Aether was the matter that filled the heavens and explained the rotation of the stars, as observed from the Earth’s vantage point. These were the first most basic elements from which one could build up a world. Their conceptions of the physical elements did not change dramatically for nearly 2,000 years.

Sir Issac Newton

Sir Issac Newton, credited with developing the particle theory. Credit: Christopher Terrell, CC BY-ND

Then, about 300 years ago, Sir Isaac Newton introduced the idea that all matter exists at points called particles. One hundred fifty years after that, James Clerk Maxwell introduced the electromagnetic wave – the underlying and often invisible form of magnetism, electricity, and light. The particle served as the building block for mechanics and the wave for electromagnetism – and the public settled on the particle and the wave as the two building blocks of matter. Together, the particles and waves became the building blocks of all kinds of matter.

This was a vast improvement over the ancient Greeks’ five elements, but was still flawed. In a famous series of experiments, known as the double-slit experiments, light sometimes acts like a particle and at other times acts like a wave. And while the theories and math of waves and particles allow scientists to make incredibly accurate predictions about the universe, the rules break down at the largest and tiniest scales.

Einstein proposed a remedy in his theory of general relativity. Using the mathematical tools available to him at the time, Einstein was able to better explain certain physical phenomena and also resolve a longstanding paradox relating to inertia and gravity. But instead of improving on particles or waves, he eliminated them as he proposed the warping of space and time.

Using newer mathematical tools, my colleague and I have demonstrated a new theory that may accurately describe the universe. Instead of basing the theory on the warping of space and time, we considered that there could be a building block that is more fundamental than the particle and the wave. Scientists understand that particles and waves are existential opposites: A particle is a source of matter that exists at a single point, and waves exist everywhere except at the points that create them. My colleague and I thought it made logical sense for there to be an underlying connection between them.

Building Block of Matter

A new building block of matter can model both the largest and smallest of things – from stars to light. Credit: Christopher Terrell, CC BY-ND

Flow and fragments of energy

Our theory begins with a new fundamental idea – that energy always “flows” through regions of space and time.

Think of energy as made up of lines that fill up a region of space and time, flowing into and out of that region, never beginning, never ending and never crossing one another.

Working from the idea of a universe of flowing energy lines, we looked for a single building block for the flowing energy. If we could find and define such a thing, we hoped we could use it to accurately make predictions about the universe at the largest and tiniest scales.

There were many building blocks to choose from mathematically, but we sought one that had the features of both the particle and wave – concentrated like the particle but also spread out over space and time like the wave. The answer was a building block that looks like a concentration of energy – kind of like a star – having energy that is highest at the center and that gets smaller farther away from the center.

Much to our surprise, we discovered that there were only a limited number of ways to describe a concentration of energy that flows. Of those, we found just one that works in accordance with our mathematical definition of flow. We named it a fragment of energy. For the math and physics aficionados, it is defined as A = -⍺/r where ⍺ is intensity and r is the distance function.

Using the fragment of energy as a building block of matter, we then constructed the math necessary to solve physics problems. The final step was to test it out.

Back to Einstein, adding universality

More than 100 ago, Einstein had turned to two legendary problems in physics to validate general relativity: the ever-so-slight yearly shift – or precession – in Mercury’s orbit, and the tiny bending of light as it passes the Sun.

Perihelion Precession of Mercury

General relativity was the first theory to accurately predict the slight rotation of Mercury’s orbit. Credit: Rainer Zenz via Wikimedia Commons

These problems were at the two extremes of the size spectrum. Neither wave nor particle theories of matter could solve them, but general relativity did. The theory of general relativity warped space and time in such way as to cause the trajectory of Mercury to shift and light to bend in precisely the amounts seen in astronomical observations.

If our new theory was to have a chance at replacing the particle and the wave with the presumably more fundamental fragment, we would have to be able to solve these problems with our theory, too.

For the precession-of-Mercury problem, we modeled the Sun as an enormous stationary fragment of energy and Mercury as a smaller but still enormous slow-moving fragment of energy. For the bending-of-light problem, the Sun was modeled the same way, but the photon was modeled as a minuscule fragment of energy moving at the speed of light. In both problems, we calculated the trajectories of the moving fragments and got the same answers as those predicted by the theory of general relativity. We were stunned.

Our initial work demonstrated how a new building block is capable of accurately modeling bodies from the enormous to the minuscule. Where particles and waves break down, the fragment of energy building block held strong. The fragment could be a single potentially universal building block from which to model reality mathematically – and update the way people think about the building blocks of the universe.

Written by Larry M. Silverberg, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University.

87 Comments on "Fragments of Energy – Not Waves or Particles – May Be the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe"

  1. Are these results published somewhere where the full argument is shown?

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:02 pm | Reply

      There is an essay under the 2nd link, but there isn’t results that has passed the peer review that science papers undergoes. The publication doesn’t look to qualify as science publication either – it has been dropped from a common index – so caveat emptor.

      And it is paywalled, by the way.

  2. The Fragment of Energy – as the basis of all Existence is Accepted and Explained by a simple pre vedic Mantřà- Sà Ká Là Hreem (स क ल ह्रीं), wherein all Existence is Considered made up of Energy,& this all pervading, existing Energy can take, change, any shape , size, wave , matter, particle, etc,. Its considered the fundamental block of existence. You are discovering this, about 25 to 30th, must be more, years since we have known it. Thank you.

  3. De universele bouwsteen van het heelal is het Planckdeeltje.
    Zie mijn gedachtegoed, verwoord in discussie over artikel van Nemo Kennislink: God zonder oordeel of liefde.

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:06 pm | Reply

      “Planck particle”?! Pseudoscience, combined with superstition at the end.

      • Voor mijn part mag u het pseudo wetenschap noemen.
        Bedenk dat wetenschap geen enkel fundamenteel probleem heeft opgelost.
        o Zwaartekracht.
        o Definitie Elektrische lading .
        o Definitie meetkundige lijn.
        o donkere materie.
        o ontstaan oerknal
        o Grootte van heelal

      • Voor mijn part mag u het pseudo wetenschap noemen.
        Bedenk dat wetenschap geen enkel fundamenteel probleem heeft opgelost.
        o Zwaartekracht.
        o Definitie Elektrische lading .
        o Definitie meetkundige lijn.
        o donkere materie.
        o ontstaan oerknal
        o Grootte van heelal

  4. I think it all starts with the particle. It’s when large numbers are involved…then the waves start

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:08 pm | Reply

      “The” particle?

      You may want to look up quantum field physics at Wikipedia (for a start) – they combine quantum mechanics wavefunctions with particle physics.

  5. E= m x c2
    Einstein equation explain all.
    Any particle is a particular organizational state of pure energy!
    Ofcourse in space there are a lot of energy not interacting with mater and must of them is undetect.
    Happy Noel!

  6. Dr Vladan Bajic PhD | December 12, 2020 at 7:44 am | Reply

    The new theory almost totally corresponds to the description of reality in the Toltec tradition explained by Carlos Castaneda. The description is given in the book ” The fire from within”!!!!!!!
    very young, not believing in Energy and etc., I repeated CAstanedas experiments … in brief E mc2 is not absolutly wright… that I know…

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:10 pm | Reply

      And here, for a change in this thread, we have the usual superstition first and the pseudoscience- since E= mc^2 is a law of nature – at the end.

  7. Magnetic force creates wave. Not forgetting that electromagnetic force is also a force of nature

  8. The answer to all the above, Our souls are the matter to the universe classified as the 5th element! We make up space. We are the extra terrestrials, We are the fragments of energy also known as spirits! Black holes may be unknown to mankind as we know it, However it’s how we get around afterlife. There are so many “subliminal”signs that point us into the answers,(Of all five key) initiatives of our universe and space!

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:14 pm | Reply


      And LHC completed and tested the standard particle physics between 2012-2017, with the predictive power and complete physics that perturbation theory of quantum field physics allow, meaning there isn’t any significant exotic forces left for everyday matter. We are biochemical machines throughout, which already anesthetics and evolution independently show, so we are now completely assured there isn’t any magic ‘spirit7soul7afterlife’. Do keep up!

      • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:14 pm | Reply

        ” ‘spirit7soul7afterlife’ ” = spirit/soul/afterlife.

      • Not true, there is no evidence whatsoever showing what consciousness is. Anesthetics don’t prove anything, as people have died for over half an hour with no brain activity whatsoever, have come back, and accurately told what occurred in the room while they were dead. All studies come back with 0 results. No release of chemicals in the brain to cause hallucinations, no lack of oxygen, no panic attack to cause hallucinations, and no brain activity…

        These aren’t superstitious things; we know non-physical things exist, such as EM waves, fields, etc etc. It is entirely reasonable and expected for consciousness to be another one of these phenomena. Microtubules anyone? Lmao you’re so surface level.

  9. Seems to me Your “fragments of energy” could very well be the ever elusive dark matter.
    So exciting to see if this fundamental theory is valid.

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 4:19 pm | Reply

      It is obviously not even as fundamental as general relativity – reproduces just one result by assuming it (a solution potential, rather).

      And it cannot replace dark matter. [See my longer comment with a reference that describes why; you may also want to know that since 2015 no other theory reproduce any dark matter observations as well as standard cosmology, see “The Labor of Outflows against Dark Matter Halo” @ astrobites.]

  10. You have to have some type of energy to have any kind of movement!!! Chris

  11. Peace be on them who follow the guidance.

    Wish to know about the peer-review on it.

  12. Very excited to see where this theory takes us.

  13. Ricardo Mota Gomes | December 12, 2020 at 11:26 am | Reply

    This is the Theory of Everything in the zero dimension (0) !!! …

  14. Energy is to some people what God represents: flowing energing power which is in all habitation, human,animal and nature.

  15. Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 3:52 pm | Reply

    This should set off everyone’s bulls#!t alarms of course. The article is written by the essay – it is not a paper – first author has been massively published on science sites that uncritically published it.

    “Scientists understand that particles and waves are existential opposites: A particle is a source of matter that exists at a single point, and waves exist everywhere except at the points that create them. My colleague and I thought it made logical sense for there to be an underlying connection between them.”

    Well, yes, basic quantum field physics is such, discovered almost a century ago.

    This seems to be not that, but an alternative classical gravity theory. Besides that such theories must reproduce everything seen in cosmology, the sector is a rapidly dwindling phenomena. The first multimessenger observation of the binary neutrino star merger was devastating for such ideas:

    “New observations of extreme astrophysical systems have “brutally and pitilessly murdered” attempts to replace Einstein’s general theory of relativity.” [ https://www.quant…0180430/ ]

    There is no peer reviewed work to look at, the article links to a paywalled essay in a publication that was dropped from Thomson Reuters index [ https://en.wikipe…_note-12 ]. I would consider it practically speaking as predatory which likely was decisive in it being dropped (but I don’t know for sure, of course), which means it publishes pseudoscience.

  16. Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 3:55 pm | Reply

    This should set off everyone’s bulls#!t alarms of course. The article is written by the essay – it is not a paper – first author has been massively published on science sites that uncritically published it.

    “Scientists understand that particles and waves are existential opposites: A particle is a source of matter that exists at a single point, and waves exist everywhere except at the points that create them. My colleague and I thought it made logical sense for there to be an underlying connection between them.”

    Well, yes, basic quantum field physics is such, discovered almost a century ago.

    This seems to be not that, but an alternative classical gravity theory. Besides that such theories must reproduce everything seen in cosmology, the sector is a rapidly dwindling phenomena. The first multimessenger observation of the binary neutrino star merger was devastating for such ideas:

    “New observations of extreme astrophysical systems have “brutally and pitilessly murdered” attempts to replace Einstein’s general theory of relativity.” [“Troubled Times for Alternatives to Einstein’s Theory of Gravity” @ Quanta Magazine]

    There is no peer reviewed work to look at, the article links to a paywalled essay in a publication that was dropped from Thomson Reuters index [“Physics Essays” @ Wikipedia]. I would consider it practically speaking as predatory which likely was decisive in it being dropped (but I don’t know for sure, of course), which means it publishes pseudoscience.

  17. Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 3:55 pm | Reply

    The article is written by the essay – it is not a paper – first author has been massively published on science sites that uncritically published it.

    “Scientists understand that particles and waves are existential opposites: A particle is a source of matter that exists at a single point, and waves exist everywhere except at the points that create them. My colleague and I thought it made logical sense for there to be an underlying connection between them.”

    Well, yes, basic quantum field physics is such, discovered almost a century ago.

    This seems to be not that, but an alternative classical gravity theory. Besides that such theories must reproduce everything seen in cosmology, the sector is a rapidly dwindling phenomena. The first multimessenger observation of the binary neutrino star merger was devastating for such ideas:

    “New observations of extreme astrophysical systems have “brutally and pitilessly murdered” attempts to replace Einstein’s general theory of relativity.” [“Troubled Times for Alternatives to Einstein’s Theory of Gravity” @ Quanta Magazine]

    There is no peer reviewed work to look at, the article links to a paywalled essay in a publication that was dropped from Thomson Reuters index [“Physics Essays” @ Wikipedia]. I would consider it practically speaking as predatory which likely was decisive in it being dropped (but I don’t know for sure, of course), which means it publishes pseudoscience.

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 12, 2020 at 3:57 pm | Reply

      “first author has been” = first author and has been.

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 13, 2020 at 9:18 am | Reply

      Sorry about the 2 previous repeats! They were held up in acceptance (for links or “cuss words”) and I sincerely believed they would be dumped when the last one went through with no problems.

  18. If energy is fundamental unit of universe then I think that both particle and waves are forms of energy concentrated at one point and released from a point if we know how to convert particle to raw energy and to wave and vice versa teleportation is possible.And I think that stars are sources of concentrated raw energy that gets converted into particles and waves and helps in formation of planets.I think when the energy in star overloads it explodes(supernova) and the powerful raw energy gets spread like a wave . So there is no or very less energy in the middle of the explosion which creates a vaccant space and causes black hole which acts as a vaccum pump that sucks all energy nearby it ( particle or wave) and I think that the other side of blackhole is a newly forming star and the black hole exists until enough energy is absorbed to form a new star

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 13, 2020 at 9:27 am | Reply

      A wavefunction in particle physics is not known to be physical, it encapsulates quantum system state propagation information – for particles the squared amplitude at a give location and time is the likelihood to observe a particle there. In any case, waves are extended.

      Quantum field physics is the currently observationally supported and hence consensus accepted marriage between relativity and classical quantum mechanics – which also marries wavefunctions with particles without any problems.

      But that is really besides the author’s misguided attempt to tear down the well tested general relativistic cosmology that currently predict that they find – apparently by assuming their result if the article description is correct – and everything else what we see (which is a great deal, and the resulting model has no prior assumptions on results as basis).

  19. … yeah, I heard that,

    Hovever, Torbjörn Larsson you are just irritated and wrong in this line of comments. You only want to win the argument or win the argument, there is no improvement or contribution of others in your little bubble.
    Yes, you might know all of physics book, and nobody says that you are wrong abut that, it is just the question of content in those books that is wrong…

    Have nice day, …

    PS, I see you have added new word to your vocabulary , “pseudo – science”

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 14, 2020 at 7:07 am | Reply

      ? You seem to be the one irritated, since you direct your response to me in general, under the lede “yeah, I heard that”.

      I’m not commenting here to “win an argument” but to respond to the science and inform people on it to the best of my knowledge – it is obvious that many commenting here know little to nothing about these things (and others know a lot). I linked to references that describes how general relativity – not I – won the science consensus long ago and how there are few if any potential alternatives. This is not a question about books (or their content) that are wrong, but about science. If you want to understand cosmology, search up a recent review.

      The essay seems not even manage to present an alternative – that’s why it is published as an essay and not a paper.

      ?? “Pseudoscience” is an old and useful term – I use it when appropriate.

      “Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method.” [“Pseudoscience” @ Wikipedia]

      Here it is the lack of peer review paper publication – an essay don’t quite cut it – as well as description of confirmation bias (assume the functional form of the potential you want to predict ab initio).

      “Although the term has been in use since at least the late 18th century (e.g., in 1796 by James Pettit Andrews in reference to alchemy[11][12]), the concept of pseudoscience as distinct from real or proper science seems to have become more widespread during the mid-19th century.”

  20. … Albert had only the hammer, but no the pick!
    Gosh, what would happened if he had a pick, too…

  21. … and what would happened if he had a complete tool box…

  22. … you know, like power drills, and …

  23. J’espère que tous avez une idée. Premièrement Bravo Fantastique a tous ceux qui ont une grande satisfaction d’avoir participé à cette expérience. Définitivement on vas des maintenant faire un immense pas vers l’avant. Bonjour a tous. sincères amitiés Philippe Martin 😎🎶

  24. Dean Bainbridge | December 13, 2020 at 3:27 pm | Reply

    This is ridiculous. What is a “fragment” supposed to be?

  25. Douglas R Kennedy | December 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm | Reply

    It’s a field collapsing to a particle.

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 14, 2020 at 7:15 am | Reply

      ? Particles are parts of fields, and fields fill all of space – they don’t “collapse” [“Quantum field theory” @ Wikipedia].

  26. Space-time only exists from a particle’s (your) perspective. Memory creates this illusion of Space-time! Energy devoid of flow is thus devoid of memory and thus outside the scope of space-time and thus the human particles in wakeful and REM phase of sleep. We all experience the existence of such stationary energy devoid of flow during NREM phase of sleep… but unfortunatley have no memory of this fascinating eneegy that is beyond space-time. Imagine Infinite fragments of Energy (particles) in motion appearing as waves to a stationary observer and particles to the ones in relative motion and it’s easy to visualize how infinite perspectives of these infinite particles leads to an illusion of space-time which collapses (NREM Sleep) and re-appears when you the observer is dreaming (REM Sleep) or Wakes up!

    • Torbjörn Larsson | December 14, 2020 at 7:10 am | Reply

      You are confusing personal experience and common use of “energy” with the scientific term. No, you can’t experience free energy – the ability to make work – while sleeping, you need experiments to observe and quantify it.

      The current cosmology has observed that space is flat, which may mean it is existing independent of gravity or other fields. They have to get back to use on that.

  27. excelent !………… we are sure what SABU-disc is

  28. … “You seem to be the one irritated, since you direct your response to me in general, under the lede “yeah, I heard that”…

    Well, now you interpret that like me is a irritated one…

    ” the best of my knowledge ”
    The point proven …

    ” few if any potential alternatives” if you are at your teen ages, then it might be a sign of a good reason, but … phd…

    It should be like>
    – Newton physics explains this,
    – Albert physics explains this,
    – Quantum physics explains this, …

    … Hrmft it once again…

  29. Hayy,, (I am a small boy, who dose not know any maths of above or something..),, but I have some interest on these subject,, for that,, hundreds of ideas about how the fundamental particles were made,,. Um,, I think I should share this,,

    How it is,, if we think,, we, means everything is made of some curving of space..? With 3 dimensional energy, if somehow we can present one single point of energy,, that will mean,, that was particle,, with is curving those dimensions…,

    If someone has interest on my words,, i will describe more..☺️

  30. I believe that the STRING theory also said the same. And the idea of STRING theory is some decades ago.
    Now they want to solve the bigger problem.

  31. Peter L Ward, youtube

  32. Larry M M Silverberg, coauthor of the journal article | December 16, 2020 at 12:54 pm | Reply

    Who is Torbjorn Larsson? He is presenting himself as an authority on the subject.
    My recommendation is that he go to the source – the journal article – and make an honest attempt in reading and understanding it. His comments have been foolish.

  33. Herman Dusty Rhodes | December 25, 2020 at 8:48 am | Reply

    In my understanding energy would not be able to flow through nothingness. In the Beginning, there was no solid matter because it had not been CREATED yet. In order for energy to flow, it had to have sometning to flow through. In Proverbs 8:22-31, King Solomon led me to believe that God created a structure that filled the void of what is now our universe. When he established his laws into the infinite emptiness, everything that mattered camein direct contact with total emptiness and that was the reaction that produced the energy that you’re speaking of. The structure was also a path for the 3nergy to flow though, a circuit.

  34. Herman Dusty Rhodes | December 25, 2020 at 8:51 am | Reply

    Look up the Seed of the universe to get a more detailed outline of the creation.

  35. From reading many articles on this subject, a postulate occurs to me that mass is a just another phase of energy, just as apparently totally empty vacuum space is an energy field. An analogy is the attraction of water vapour to ice, both are chemically the same. The attraction of vacuum energy to mass energy could explain gravity, which then becomes the movement of space towards mass, drawing anything in space towards the mass, giving the illusion of a force of gravity. Also since gravity waves exist, space is compressible. I suspect this is what happens inside black holes; i.e. there is no singularity, but space together with anything in it keeps getting compressed more and more.

  36. What happened to tiny vibrating “strings” as the smallest constituents of matter. He’s string th theory fallen from grace. And what of the the 11 or 13 extra dimensions that it predicts. Everybody has heard of the theory of everything. Does the fragments hypothesis resolve any left over issues that string theory could not. It sounds very intriguing. I loved the article. Thank you. KJ

  37. Indian vedic literature wrote more than 5000 years ago mentioned that energy is the first that evolved. Devi Bhagawatam says all creations were from the cosmic energy. Even the 5 elements (quoted here as Greek invention need to be checked) since we new about the “panchabhootha” years before.

  38. This idea was way older than ever. And the equation A=-a/r is unsuccessful for assuming the exact places of those “buildings blocks” as these authors call it. It might be explaining the anger starting from pre-defined point, but not for knowing where exactly has to be and the same for other “fragments of energy”. Positioning such an equation for just explaining the how the energy differ from the center of the a block, doesn’t mean you solved the problems of understanding the universe. On the other hand, claiming that you have solved the two problems of the cosmos might be just another way of expressing your interest, not the reality or further advancement of comprehending the universe. The question you raised earlier in this article, which is “we need to find where those blocks are mathematically and why”, is what is the important thing to pounder on and to answer it so that we can understand the universe. By the way, the idea of that the energy is the source of everything had been by me as well long time ago, but furthermore, the energy is not the essential part to begin with. Rather, there’s another concept which defines and conceive the energy.

  39. The sun is not a stationary object though.

  40. Robert S Cerney | January 4, 2021 at 3:05 pm | Reply

    I don’t understand, aren’t they just replacing a generalized unit of energy with their own arbitrarily assigned unit, then doing the same math with their own hieroglyphs? Is this just another 2+2=5 thing?

    I’m pretty sure that the particle wave duality is well defined as the wave function of an object. Though complicated to extrapolate the sun mercury function using a wave function calculation, the general relativity equations do it well, to within a reasonable threshold of accuracy. Determining the solution with wave functions would require much more information, but be more accurate. This article sounds like they just replaced the general mass energy of the sun and mercury with their preferred mass energy unit, something like a planck energy unit, and plugged it in. This would work just as well as me personally defining the sun and mercury in masses of bananas, which this article is. Bananas.

  41. Michael Baggett | January 5, 2021 at 7:20 am | Reply

    forgive, but E= MCsquared is still E=MVsquared (V being ‘variable’); according to the difference between the US Bureau of Standards, and British Bureau of Standards;measurements taken at different dates. Latter coming up half the speed of first. Thus, variable, maybe depending on other variables. Maybe… like orbit

  42. Michael Baggett | January 5, 2021 at 7:28 am | Reply

    Yeah, not too many things are constants in this universe; where there is much more unseen than is seen. Thanks and keep THINKING

  43. Has anyone considered that matter’s ultimate nature might be nothing more than information. I’m not an expert but someone or something should be able to come up with a new explaination for reality that is based on quantum information.

  44. We exist in two different states simultenously between the physical Universe and the Quantum Universe due to quantum superposition. While we are biochemical machines in the physical sense and our awareness is tied to our perception, we also exist beyond that in the Quantum world due to the energy signature created by the atoms throughout our cells. Which means we are not entirely biomechanical machines throughout. As Bohr argued even though the Correspondence Principle allowed a connection between the quantum and classical worlds, those two worlds are not the same. This separation between the two worlds also affects us differently, while we interact with events in the classic world, our quantum body’s react seperately to events in the subatomic world without our awareness. An example of this was demonstrated when it was discovered that human cells were able to react to electromagnetic field beyond without the person being aware. If A wavefunction in particle physics is not known to be physical, then in the subatomic world there must be elements of us whether it be brainwaves, firing between axons and neurons or just the frequency at which our atoms vibrate that extend beyond the physical and the biomechanical. No?

  45. It’s a wave and particle at the same time it all depends on the observer and there perspective and what’s being observed and how your feeling at the time your emotional state during the time of what’s being observed by the observer so in the eyes of one it’s a wave and in the eyes of another its a partical so therefore there a wave and a particle just depending on the perspective of the person.

  46. Has anyone thought of working a 4-arm spiral into your equation for the center of each fragment? I’m unsure if this would be possible, however it would bring together your theories involving a center point for each fragment and the waves, or movement, of energy. I am taking into account that our own Milky Way galaxy is a 4-arm spiral because we seem to be governed by the energy around us. To me, this shape makes sense based on our position in the Universe. Perhaps it may be different elsewhere.

  47. I would like to contribute my knowledge on what can not be proven or disproved. I have seen things while irradiated and/or full of contrast during MRI and PET and CT scans along with what may or may not be dreams. I am a cancer survivor, (so far) and during my time if “near death” experienced certain things that I have had no way of knowing, I have found nothing but evidence since to support my visions/crazy. I am looking to connect with anyone else who has experience similar to mine.

  48. Someone unimportant | February 22, 2021 at 2:34 am | Reply

    Matter is made up of curled up dimensions at the scale of a planck length, each containing an entire universe.

    These are the fundamental elements that make up quarks, with each quark type being made from a different set of dimensions.

    Our own universe is one set of these curled up dimensions, which from the perspective of a different universe appears at planck length as constrained energy in what we describe with string theory.

    Each universe appears to an observer from inside to be flat and sized to the inverse of the planck length.

    • Lisa Marie Lahti | February 23, 2021 at 3:20 am | Reply

      The universes from looking at a multiverse perspective to me resembles a globular shaped piece of briefly chewwed hubba bubba attempting to look as though it wasn’t chewed, aside from the few sets of holes that hold it all together. Really super concentrated super slow moving lightning holds the multiverses in place. Violet electromagnetic dense lightning fields. I can describe so much of it but I can’t prove any of it.

  49. Paul The Same | March 25, 2021 at 4:40 am | Reply

    I come here as an autodidactic non-scientist (musician & linguist) from an insignificant town in NE England. It seems to me that Thorbjörn Larssen, as well as consigning contributions by various forms of god-botherer to where they belong, nevertheless espouses the current mainstream view, which breaks down at the opposite extremes of scale. In this sense this mainstream view, while usable (as is the Newtonian within its limits) nevertheless remains inadequate. Despite my lacking the necessary physics, it seems to me that if nothing else, Silverberg (inevitably, Robert of that ilk springs to mind!) is at least offering a potential GUT, which is available for others to scrutinise, and which is sufficiently readable that I can understand it.

  50. Alexander Harrison, FRSN | March 28, 2021 at 11:33 pm | Reply

    For such a new model, the speed of energy flow should not be an input ( i.e the speed of light), but rather an output that gives this number, then it would be an amazing finding indeed.

  51. Frederick Thornton | March 29, 2021 at 9:05 am | Reply

    When will we go back to evidence based science?
    A “fragment of energy” differs how from a quanta of energy?
    As for the “Aether” of the greeks, it is interesting to note that the author did not mention plasma and plasma does populate space surrounding all the planets in the solar system. And if one looked openmindedly at the aetherians of a century, of which Einstein was one, much of their description of an aether correlates well with plasma. In low g plasma environment, we see electromagnetic structures, the flow of current, field aligned currents and much more.
    Mercury’s orbit may be due to density variations in solar double layers. Kepler did not derive planetary orbits via a thought 3xperiment, he had Brahe’s lifetime of observation. Math not based on observation is always of a dubious nature.
    As for gravity bending light I suggest it could be plasma atmosphere refraction.

  52. Energy is still a wave. Energy can manifest itself in many forms including matter but the base form of energy is light, which is a wave.

  53. Thomas E Dodge | April 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm | Reply

    How is his equation similar to the nature of a star? Where our sun in particular is the most hot at it’s Corona, meaning that it’s highest energy output would be at its farthest reaches not at the center?

    so when he says he formulated his hypothesis off of the way he envisioned a star to be operating, it seems a little bit naive.

  54. Thomas E Dodge | April 18, 2021 at 3:07 pm | Reply

    “much about the corona remains a mystery. The solar wind doesn’t slow down as it leaves the Sun — it speeds up. Some particles shoot out of the corona with so much energy that they approach the speed of light. And perhaps most baffling of all, the corona is hundreds of times hotter than the Sun’s surface.”'t,hotter%20than%20the%20Sun's%20surface.

  55. Jason SINCLAIR | April 22, 2021 at 2:22 am | Reply

    I concur. Energy at different frequencies is what the universe is made of. What creates these different frequencies? The energy interacting with itself. Similar to rain drops in a pond and the resulting waves. Time space is 3d but the energy realm works on 1 dimension and if you travelled all known paths of energy as energy in the univese you would experience it as a straight path. If you were an observer you would see the universe like we already do. In this sense we live in a holographic universe. Time itself is an infinite ever present now if you were taking the perspective of energy. As an observer you see it in frames of moments with a past present and future. Both scenarios are part of the same reality just experienced by different point of view.

  56. i agreed with sanjay ji that we All (living (Soul) + non-living) and everything that exist are made up of energy. Smallest Particle Can Accumulate the Highest Energy.
    In Universe We know Black Hole they are like perfectly black body or Fragment of energy that radiate the black body radiations at speed of light/gravity/energy and hold the entire milky way Galaxy also if talk from the center of universe hold the fragment of energy ( or say big bang energy point ) holding the entire God Creations (Universe).

  57. i want to correct here that smallest particle have tendency to most stable (that can be the God ones) and have an energy that an entire universe can form but doesn’t radiate any energy (stable one) whereas the largest object or mass radiate the proportional energy to the universe.

    So we are more far to God untill we know the particle of our soul.
    Soul can be the building block of God. Soul it’s like a black hole kind of thing that accumulate knowledge when a peraon or living being accumulate enkugh knowledge that it’s own soul can accumulate then soul leaves from their body…and birth in another body to accumulate the remaining knowledge of God.

  58. Jason SINCLAIR | May 16, 2021 at 9:51 pm | Reply

    The building blocks of the universe are infinite amounts of emptiness. When is science finally going to get it? It is this emptiness which creates all form. Building model over model and saying “we are almost there” is no different from an meth addict saying, “i am going to give up after this next hit” The mathematics was in over 500 years ago. Until you can find the end of pi, you will continue in this hamster wheel.Look outward in the other direction? You will find pi’s continued form in integers going forever. Run your quantum computers until they can reach the speed of light, that should provide about 1000 more models and associated dimensions… You are going to be able to see reality from the perspective of light, but that’s about it. Infinity continues beyond.

  59. Lol. OMG. Why cant you admit the universe is a plasma universe an electric universe with magnetism and plasma . you even say lines of energy. Stars and galaxies use birkland currents for power as does our cells and atoms everything needs electricity. The plasma universe model is more solid than the big bang black hole joke the so called mainstream academics groupthink standby. There are to massive problems with the standard model.

  60. not one mention of quantum feilds or QFT makes this highly dubious. maybe let us know when you have a paper that has passed peer review

  61. Hmm. It has seemed to me for some time that all energy is ultimately kinetic. The fundamental energy is nothing more than the movement of space itself.
    Consider, is a photon a real thing or just the manifestation of a piece of space moving at a certain frequency. This would mean, of course, that a photon does not travel and merely passes energy to the next ‘unit’ of space. This is not far removed from gravity waves but at a much higher frequency.
    It is unreasonable to think that every unit of space has a propensity to reach a certain energy level and is attracted to other energy sources in order to gain energy. Certain configurations of these units will bond together to form elementary particles that have the properties we associate with matter.
    This of course leads to a form of the long ago dismissed ether. The fabric of spacetime is the ether, everything travels through spacetime by the transfer of energy from one point to the next.
    Think of the twin split experiment with this in mind. The ‘photon’ travels through both slots as a wave in the fabric of spacetime.
    I probably should sit down and write this properly as it is just an idea that has been going through my mind for a while that I have not taken the time to solidify

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