China News

China, officially known as the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is the world’s most populous country, with a population surpassing 1.4 billion. It is located in East Asia and is bordered by 14 countries, making it the state with the most land borders in the world. China has a rich historical and cultural legacy that spans over 4,000 years, featuring profound developments in philosophy, the arts, and sciences early in its history. It is governed by the Communist Party of China under a one-party system, with Beijing as its capital. Economically, China is a global powerhouse, having the world’s second-largest GDP by nominal GDP and the largest by purchasing power parity. Its rapid industrial growth, driven by manufacturing and exports, has been accompanied by significant urbanization and technological advancement. China also plays a crucial role in global affairs, with significant influence in political, cultural, and economic spheres worldwide.