Cognitive Science News

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the mind and its processes, including how people think, learn, remember, and perceive. It combines knowledge and research methods from several disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and education. This field aims to understand the nature of intelligent behavior and the structure and function of the mind. Cognitive scientists use various approaches and tools to study the brain’s internal processes, such as computational models, cognitive tests, neuroimaging techniques, and comparative psychological studies. The insights from cognitive science have practical applications in areas like education, artificial intelligence, design, and clinical psychology, helping to enhance learning and memory, develop machine intelligence, improve human-computer interaction, and understand and treat cognitive disorders.

Crows Can Count… Out Loud!

Crows can “count” vocally up to four in response to cues, showing complex vocal control similar to young children. Researchers have discovered that crows can…

The Dangers of Self-Directed Ageism

According to research from the University of Queensland, normal cognitive changes associated with aging may increase the likelihood of older individuals adopting a negative, ageist…

Watching Music Move Through the Brain

Listening to and remembering music involve different cognitive processes. Scientists have observed how the human brain represents a familiar piece of music, according to research…