Fusion News

Fusion is a nuclear process where two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This is the same process that powers stars, including our Sun. Fusion occurs under extremely high temperatures and pressures, forcing nuclei so close that nuclear forces overcome their electrostatic repulsion. The most studied fusion reactions for energy production involve hydrogen isotopes, particularly deuterium and tritium, which fuse to form helium and a neutron, releasing substantial energy. Fusion is considered a promising potential source of nearly limitless and clean energy because it produces no greenhouse gas emissions and only small amounts of short-lived radioactive waste compared to fission-based nuclear power. However, achieving controlled fusion on Earth has been technically challenging, requiring conditions that can sustain and contain the high-energy plasma necessary for the fusion reactions, as seen in experimental setups like tokamaks and inertial confinement fusion devices.