Gerontology News

Gerontology is the multidisciplinary study of aging and the issues related to it, encompassing the biological, psychological, and social aspects of growing older. This field aims to understand the complex processes that accompany aging, seeking to improve the quality of life and promote healthy aging for the elderly population. Biological gerontology focuses on the physiological changes that occur as individuals age, exploring the mechanisms behind aging and age-related diseases. Psychological gerontology examines the cognitive, emotional, and mental health aspects of aging, including memory, mental health disorders, and well-being. Social gerontology addresses the societal impacts of an aging population, including the roles and relationships of older adults, their economic and social status, and the policies and services needed to support them. Gerontologists work in various settings, including academic research, healthcare, social work, and public policy, aiming to address the challenges and opportunities of an aging society and to develop strategies that enhance the overall well-being and integration of older adults into the community.