Mutation News

Genetic mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that make up the genome of an organism. These changes can occur naturally during DNA replication or be induced by external factors such as radiation, chemicals, and viruses. Mutations can vary in size from a single DNA building block (nucleotide) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes. They can be classified into several types, including point mutations, deletions, insertions, and chromosomal rearrangements. While many mutations are neutral, having little or no effect on the organism, some can lead to genetic disorders or increased susceptibility to diseases. On the other hand, mutations also drive evolution by contributing to the genetic variability within a population, potentially leading to beneficial adaptations that enhance survival and reproduction. In medicine, understanding genetic mutations is crucial for diagnosing genetic disorders, developing treatments, and implementing personalized medicine approaches.

A Shortcut to Preventing Cancer

A new theory suggests that mutations have few straightforward ways to establish themselves in cells and cause tumors. For many researchers, the road to cancer…