Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice

Vitamin D Doctor

Trinity College Dublin researchers point to changes in government advice in Wales, England and Scotland.

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements.

A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Rose Anne Kenny, School of Medicine, and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), in collaboration with Professor Jon Rhodes at University of Liverpool, highlights the association between vitamin D levels and mortality from COVID-19.

The authors of the article, just published in the Irish Medical Journal, analyzed all European adult population studies, completed since 1999, which measured vitamin D and compared vitamin D and death rates from COVID-19.

Vitamin D is produced in the skin from UVB sunlight exposure and is transported to the liver and then the kidney where it is changed into an active hormone that increases calcium transport from food in the gut and ensures calcium is adequate to keep the skeleton strong and free of osteoporosis.

But vitamin D can also support the immune system through a number of immune pathways involved in fighting SARS-CoV-2. Many recent studies confirm the pivotal role of vitamin D in viral infections.

This study shows that, counterintuitively, countries at lower latitudes and typically sunny countries, such as Spain and Northern Italy, had low concentrations of vitamin D and high rates of vitamin D deficiency. These countries also experienced the highest infection and death rates in Europe.

The northern latitude countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden, have higher vitamin D levels despite less UVB sunlight exposure because supplementation and fortification of foods are more common. These Nordic countries have lower COVID-19 infection and death rates. The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant.

The authors propose that, whereas optimizing vitamin D levels will certainly benefit bone and muscle health, the data suggests that it is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications. This may be because vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19 and ‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’ associated with ventilation and death.

Professor Rose Anne Kenny said:

“In England, Scotland and Wales, public health bodies have revised recommendations since the COVID-19 outbreak. Recommendations now state that all adults should take at least 400 IU of vitamin D daily. Whereas there are currently no results from randomized controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death.”

“This study further confirms this association. We call on the Irish government to update guidelines as a matter of urgency and encourage all adults to take supplements during the COVID-19 crisis. Deficiency is frequent in Ireland. Deficiency is most prevalent with age, obesity, in men, in ethnic minorities, in people with diabetes, hypertension and in nursing homes.”

Dr. Eamon Laird added:

“Here we see observational evidence of a link of vitamin D with mortality. Optimizing vitamin D intake to public health guidelines will certainly have benefits for overall health and support immune function. Research like this is still exploratory and we need further trials to have concrete evidence on the level of vitamin D that is needed for optimal immune function. However, studies like this also remind us how low our vitamin D status is in the population (even in sunny countries) and adds further weight to some sort of mandatory vitamin D fortification policy. If the Nordic countries are allowed to do this, there is no reason Ireland, the UK or rest of Europe can’t either.”

Reference: “Vitamin D and Inflammation: Potential Implications for Severity of Covid-19” by E. Laird, J. Rhodes and R.A. Kenny, 11 May 2020, Irish Medical Journal.

164 Comments on "Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice"

  1. Joseph Arsanis | May 13, 2020 at 9:10 am | Reply

    USA are deficient in many supplements, D, yes however Magnesium is another . Vit D should be 2,000-3,000iu daily. Except when your deficient you can take 5,000iu of Vit D daily. In the winter it is especially needed because the sun is not out to give us our vitamin D. Cramps in legs? Could be Magnesium deficiency. Google and learn about a Magnesium, you will retain it longer instead of me filling in the blanks. Thanks, Joseph Arsanis.

    • I take magnesium and calcium every other day.

      • LetsBeHonestWithOurselves | May 15, 2020 at 4:01 am | Reply

        There was an incident that made you believe god is not real and does not exist. You blamed him for allowing something to happen to you or a loved one or watched as it rained on the just and wondered why it didnt on the hide the most evident thing your comment screams out wich is your bitter and hurt at God. Now you forgot but when you finally think back if you can be honest with yourself you feel he abandoned you and left you therefore you deemed him a figment of your imagination.

    • concern Friend | May 14, 2020 at 3:36 pm | Reply

      A concerned person, that deals with many illness an b12 along with vitamin D are 2 that i have autoimmune deficient”s from for years,Having to use b:12 injections to get it under control and 1 way to know VIt: D is low is if you have nice watch that you have warn for long period of time an notice a black spot that cheep jewerely leaves. First sign vitamin D is LOw an you have to be carefull how much an often you take it. Prayers For Everyone i choose Jesus Christ as my Savior Amen

      • Jesus Christ was homosexual

        • Let’s not forget the importance of Vitamin C, and Dr. Robert Cathcart work on the subject, which would be very relevant and helpful during this pandemic.

        • Jesus Christ is an imaginary friend for grown ups who have problems being adults. Their grammar and spelling problems make me think they aren’t overly intelligent either.

        • Bif,You are a small person.

        • Why would you say such a thing?! Even if he was, which is completely irrelevant to what is being discussed, there’s no way to prove this, so leave it alone and focus on the topic at hand.

      • Keep your non-scientific opinions to yourself. Credibility, you know.

      • Lee hellinger | May 15, 2020 at 4:13 am | Reply

        I enjoyed reading all the different perspectives and everyone has such varied opinions and responses it’s really very much pointless.

      • Or you could go to your doctor and get your vitamin d levels tested, instead of relying on a voodoo method like looking for a black spot on your skin from cheap jewelry.

    • This is not what the W H O will back since bill Gates is a huge sponsor and Gates is out killing thousands of people in Africa which is most plentiful with getting the best source of vitamin D and that’s the sun… Also an issue with Gates who is involved In a program to block out sun rays.

      • What?!

      • I will note the high level of melanin in most persons from Africa may limit U.V. spectrum thus lowering Vitamin D. This is an assumption on my part and not based on any scientific controlled study I have read.

        The higher melanin might also be protective against skin cancer.

        It appears the father north you go in Europe, the more people have lighter skin, lighter eyes, and lighter color hair. Days are shorter, and time outside may be limited by freezing extremities.

        When these folks get their time in the sun; they need to make D while the sun shines, so to speak.

        Vitamin D is a vital component of the immune system.

        Depending on viewpoint, some people think either high and low melanin makes for special humans.

        Well, like everyone, we all have our issues, and biases, but what makes us strong in one way, can also hurt us in others.

        One common trait in very high, and very low melanin persons are that we likely have strong immune systems. Immune systems that can be too active, cause inflammation, thus leading to all sorts of health issues.

        What keeps us alive and strong in one instance, can be our undoing in another. Persons living in extreme environments need a similar immune system. Just guessing, but I think very hot and humid, or very cold and humid would be the best/worst of all.

        Covid-19 is killing persons who have African, all parts, and Mediterranean areas at a higher rate even accounting for environmental, and preexisting health issues. The predisposition towards high ACE and inflammation that can be expressed by same seem to play a factor.

        Notable, look at 2008,2009 pandemic. This disease seemed to set off a rash of Narcolepsy across the world being most numerous in Scandinavia. I remember reading that those stricken with disease had a genetic predisposition for same being triggered by infection and subsequent immune response.

        Scientists believe those persons who contracted Narcolepsy after certain alleles were triggered by virus.

        Scientists thought that persons immune systems reacted as if they had been attacked by a certain mycobacteria.

        I’m guessing our immune systems throw up the closest defense analogous to what it has encountered in the past. These new viruses being New and crossing over from non humans can apparently confuse our bodies immune system.

      • Gates is the Anti- christ.

  2. Ive been taking 50,000 UI. of D2 it’s a prescription from my Dr. once per week due to Osteoporosis as suggested for the Prolia injection. It’s really an energy booster as well. This article was great! Thanks…👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

    • naveen kumar | May 14, 2020 at 8:12 am | Reply

      1In addition to this drink a half cup of milk with half teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 pearls of steamed garlic. Fix all your problems.

    • I take 10000iu, and don’t get a false sense….use common sense!!!
      Like cloth masks!!!!
      It’s like putting up an
      Wroat iron fence around your house to keep out the mosquitoes!!!! BE

      • Gate keeper,
        Are you a prophetess on long island, ny ?

      • Let’s not forget the importance of Vitamin C, and Dr. Robert Cathcart’s work on the subject, which would be very relevant and helpful during this pandemic.

        • Prince Emmychamin | May 15, 2020 at 1:49 pm | Reply

          The instructions about using vitamine D to minimize the covid19 fatality rate is a Good one, but the Guy that digres from the topic to that of Jesus being à homosexsual is irelevant with the discuss,i surgest hé should go for a mental réanimation.

      • So whats the point of having the mask/taking the 1000iu(of what?) Is your immune system compromised? In that case, I would understand the precautions.Its actually OK for our bodies to be exposed to viruses in order to build up immunity. That’s the “science ” of the human body. It has a defense system. We need to utilize it.

        • A mask does not inhibit your immune sysin any way. Your house is filled with all manner of microbes, including virus, bacteria, mold, and mildew. That’s plenty of fuel for your immune system.

          • MASOOM RAHMANI | May 15, 2020 at 3:12 am |

            This article is very useful looking to the use of Vitamin D to control the death due to Covid-19

        • Vitamin D is an important vitamin for a strong immune system as well as regulating calcium in our body. Being exposed to viruses does not strengthen our immune system. Keeping our vitamin d levels optimal strengthens our immune system.

      • I take the same amount as well. Very meficinal suppliment

        • Medicinal is what I meant to write.

        • I take 2000iu and a multivitamin I’ve felt like I have more energy since I started taking them 2 years ago

        • How much Of vitamin D do I take every day and is it milligrams or micrograms or IU?

          • It depends on what your serum D level is. Optimal is between 65-80ng/ml. If you are close to that 5,000iu daily during the spring and summer and 7,000-10,000iu during the winter if you aren’t near the equator. If your levels are very deficient (below 30ng/ml) then to get your levels up quickly 20,000iu daily is advised by the Vitamin D Society. But get retested every 3 months to make sure your levels don’t go over 80ng/ml, unless you’re dealing with a severe health issue like cancer. has more information for you.

    • So the day after the government put in place the stay at home/shut down stuff, my wife put our family on a vitamin c, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin k2. As well as multi vitamin.
      She acted like this was common knowledge to healthy people.
      Is it? Or was it? If it was so common why have I just recently seeing articles seemingly surprised this is so? I’m just confused.

  3. Kathleen B Goldsmith | May 13, 2020 at 12:07 pm | Reply

    I had a Gastric Bypass and became anemic because I no longer absorb enough nutrients though food. I take 5000 units of Vitamin D3 daily and I have noticed I don’t get sick as often as other members of my family. I am trying to get the whole family to take Vitamin D3 we live in the Northeast so limited sunshine in the Winter. I could not hurt.

  4. 400 IUs of Vitamin D is very low. How can that be the recommendation?

    • The recommendation of 400 IU is based on the fact that one teaspoon (5 ml) of most cod liver oil contains 400 IU of Vitamin D. What’s the significance of a teaspoon? Well that was the amount of cod liver oil that was shown to prevent rickets in children in northern latitude countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden. “A teaspoon a day keeps the rickets away”. At the time it was believed that rickets was the only disease associated with vitamin D deficiency and therefore the recommendation of 400 IUs sort of stuck. Of all the recommendations for daily intake of nutrients this one is the least scientific. We now know that vitamin deficiency, or low levels if vitamin D, are associated with more morbidities than just rickets.

  5. If you’re questioning why the recommended dosage is so low: Vitamin D is fat soluble, making it easy to overdose on it. And it’s not a pretty thing to OD on. Additionally, the typical body doesn’t need much of it to boost the immune system. The previous recommendation was 25 mg to 75 mg, daily, to maximize the benefits. 400 iu is about 260 mg.

    • It’s safer than believed. Published research shows there had never been a case of “hypervitaminosis D” in anyone consuming 10,000 IU or less per day. In the US the Institute of Medicine says anyone over the age of 5 can safely consume 2,000 IU per day.

      • I have been taking 10,000 IU daily for decades and it has not killed me yet. Blood tests show my vitamin D level is normal at that dose. Imagine the little value in government recommended 400 I.U. daily.

    • Vitamin d is measured in mcg not mg. 25mcg = 1000iu. 400iu=10mcg. This is extremely low. Most research shows a minimum of 10,000 iu or 250mcg to elavate blood levels.

  6. Instead, they should require everyone to run outside naked for 20 minutes every day. This would provide far more vitamin D than supplements.

    • Running around outside in my birthday suit wouldn’t work for me and would scare the neighbors. I’m on 150,000 iu D2 weekly (was higher)Been on it for close to ten years due to bowel resection and Crohns Disease.

  7. What about an 18 year old girl who don’t like to spend time outside? How much vitamin D is recommended?

    • How about trying to go outside more often, do some sports

    • The Good Sir | May 13, 2020 at 6:32 pm | Reply

      I recommend 8 inches

    • Christine Payne | May 14, 2020 at 10:21 pm | Reply

      How about this, if you can get out 20 mins a day, great. But, I have a daughter who has autism and getting outside is very hard.This is what we’ve found to help keep her well. Vit d 1000-1200 iu daily, should also be taken with calcium magnesium and zinc. Can buy a cal mag zinc all in one vitamin. Eat (something healthy) or drink milk with the vitamins. Very good to take at night, magnesium is great for relaxing muscles, helping you sleep,and helps cramps, also. We added 1000mg of vit C also. Make sure you have plenty of lean red meat, body needs it to make good use of vitamins and protect you from anemia, low iron will make you really tired and foggy. Sorry, to give so much info but hope will help you stay healthy during and after covid!
      All of these things work together to help your immune system!

      • What kind of Magnesium? There are some that cause more diarrhea than others. Aren’t there 9 types? Also, have you had your magnesium numbers pulled. I’ve never had a doctor request those numbers. Stool test is only valid because no blood test can give correct numbers.

    • Angelica, you should ask your doctor for your specific situation. My doctor recommende 1000 IU of D3 for me. I have noticed when I do not supplement with Vitamin D, my nails break. When I take it regularly, I have to clip them. I hope that is a good sign for my bones as well.

  8. This is all bollocks this is an opportunistic virus it will diversify and infect where it can when it can do you think weeds select different parts of your garden or your neighbours ..let’s get back to basics it’s peopLe who spread it ..not the wind not water .. us

    • Michelle M Ackerman | May 14, 2020 at 10:48 am | Reply

      Except you can put things in your yard to fight weeds. My yard is living proof. You can see the distinct line where our neighbors dandelions grow and none in our yard and there’s no fence. That’s exactly what this article is saying. Build your immune system with certain things and you may fare better. It’s not saying you won’t get it, but rather you’ll fight it off easier.

  9. Correlation isn’t causation.

    But it might meet your publication requirement.

    • “The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant”

      • The correlation can be statistically significant without the finding having any statistical significance whatsoever. If we look at the reem of data on COVID19, we can easily find its correlating with hundreds of factors. Causality is far more important and much harder to find.

        • Oops, I Forgot to mention one important detail, check levels of vit D3 at least once a year.. any doctor can order this blood test is becoming part of ur physical. I started with 13 wow very low. Took 1000mg went up to 40.. still not the best for me… now I take 5000mg but in about 2 months I will do blood test If it is between 50 to 70 great. I may take only 3 times a week. Vitamin D3 can also be hard on kidneys reason you must check blood at least once a year especially if you are taking big doses. Drs now are waking up to Vit D3. Also get a good brand there many out there. I believe the products from, Life Extension are the best for me for the past 25 years. They also have Doctor’s believing in PREVENTION (eat healthy.) YOU CAN TALK TO THEM ON THE PHONE FOR FREE.

        • True. But it is dirt cheap and easy to get, so why not. I think that people who have illness, especially immune system illnesses, have an immune system that is impacted and their D is low as their bodies are burning it up and they are not getting out for enough sunlight and not replentishing it. So, correlation may very well be the issue. But D does help the immune system. So why not take 400 IU D3 and K2 and get levels checked. Can’t hurt. If uou are very low, take more D3 and K2.

    • Absolutely true on the first and sadly also on the second.

    • Everyone is different. Vit D3 is essential I take 5000ng daily complementing with at least 20 minutes of SUNLIGHT.

  10. JB Groves III | May 13, 2020 at 4:56 pm | Reply

    Dr. John Campbell has been promoting the use of vitamin D supplements for weeks as very needed supplement for persons of color due to the fact they do not produce as much as lighter skinned individuals.

    There are numerous other morbidities that vitamin D supplement seems to counteract.

    Dr. Campbell will be very appreciative of this papers findings.

    Thank you,

    Professor JB Groves
    In Texas

  11. Makes sense as the original host species was nocturnal. As memory serves it was a bat or a pangolin. Natural Vitamin D requires sunlight. The other corona virus SARS? was also traced to a nocturnal cat.

  12. I am a 66 scottish ginger healthy female and have been taking D3 4000 iu with magnesium and K2 for several years
    I had an annual well woman check in my fifties and was going through perimenopause and suffering with frequent uti’s and urticaria
    my gp organised a bloodtest which showed a deficiency in vit d and i was prescribed supplements
    I researched online and discovered higher doses of vit D should be taken with magnesium.and k2

  13. I take 5000 IU daily of vitamin D haven’t been sick in years. I strongly recommend it. Party of 4 went to Nashville in January 2020. 3 returned sick. Upper respiratory. I didn’t have any symptom of illness.

  14. Charles Harwood | May 13, 2020 at 5:34 pm | Reply

    Not sure why this is supposed to be some kind revelation? The value of Vitamin-D for a healthy immune system has long been known as well as its geographical deficiency disparity. But no matter how it has made it to the media is a good thing. Perhaps not being afraid of the sun might be a big help to those who want to get it the natural way or maybe can’t afford. It does not take that long for sunlight on the skin to produce good levels of what the body needs to produce adequate D. The risks of vitamin D deficiency are 10 times greater than that of harm from sunlight.

    Thank you

  15. Wonderful info, well done! Now if the nursing homes would especially supplement the residents with this natural vitamin. Since they are cocooned inside all the time, they cannot possibly make enough or even absorb enough from the diets they are on. I am from PA and our nursing homes have the majority of cases and deaths.

  16. Stephanie E. Meo | May 13, 2020 at 6:15 pm | Reply

    I deal with MS and my neurologist prescribe new medicine for me and before taking it, I had to get special bloodwork taken that was also for my vitamin D level.
    Now, results came back, I was told to take unit of 5,000;that’s 5 vitamin D pills a day. Said my deficiency level is low. I informed my primary doctor also took bloodwork one said all I need is 2 with calcium citrate, I’ll be fine. I’m at 29, I should be at level of 30 more. Reading your comments I read one very deficient should take 5,000 units daily. Is 29 very deficient or lower than that at what numeric level? Maybe my neurologist was right and special bloodwork they took probably told them low vitamin D. I’m going check with my neurologist tomorrow cause I may have take 5,000. Just so much to take one time everyday till I’m back to level. Can I drink milk or products vitamin D to balance off 2 vitamins I’m presently taking? Can one really contract COVID-19 by not getting back enough vitamin D and if immune system is weak as well or strong. Plz elaborate for clarification. Thank you.
    Ms. Stephie

    • Your neurologist is right. You should be taking D3, 5000iu each day, along with K2 and magnesium. Just get 5000iu capsules. They are very small and inexpensive. Calcium is usually not good to take as a supplement. It can be dangerous if not taken with K2. Unfortunately most Doctors are not up to date on nutrition. 29 is a very low D level. Even taking 5000 a day, it will take a while to get your blood level up. 70 is a good goal to work toward.

    • According to vitamin researcher Dr. Cannell, optimal levels of d are between 65 and 80ng/ml. For MS you should aim for keeping your levels at 80ng/ml. You can get vitamin d in 5,000iu, 10,000iu and 50,000iu by Bio-Tech. I can personally attest that when your vitamin d levels are low, your immune system is not strong. Sixteen years ago I was sick all the time. Catching every virus that was going around. Taking 2 weeks to recover from a cold at minimum. Often it would turn into a sinus infection or bronchitis requiring antibiotics. I got my vitamin d levels tested and I was severely deficient at 9ng/ml. Since keeping my levels between 70-80ng/ml I rarely get sick and when I do, I recover quickly. I can’t remember the last time I was really truly sick.

  17. I don’t think latitude is relevant anymore for sunlight in our modern world. If people actually go outside or not is the question.

    • There are winters here in Michigan where you only get a few hours of sunlight a month, and it’s 10 degrees below zero outside, you don’t want to expose any bare skin.

    • Carlie Goddard | May 14, 2020 at 2:15 am | Reply

      Hi, I’m outside with my kids on a daily basis for several hours.. would I still need a supplement?

      • Get your D levels checked. If not low, taking 400 IU won’t hurt. Take D3/K2 sublingual from Vitacost. K2 makes D3 work. Do not take more K2 than in this sublingual as too much K2 is toxic.

  18. Info from a friend | May 13, 2020 at 6:29 pm | Reply

    @Mrs L Kerr
    Yes take K2 with the vitamin D

  19. Christine Collins | May 13, 2020 at 6:38 pm | Reply

    This article didn’t say that a person would not contract the CoVid-19 virus. Vitamin D supplements appear to reduce the severity of the disease.

  20. It’s lockdown not Covid that’s the problem.

  21. Check out grassroots health website. They primarily study vitamin D and its correlation to many common illnesses and now are studying vitamin d levels in covid patients. It’s quite interesting really. They have amazing graphs showing different illnesses and the D levels associated with the risks of each illness. Those with a certain D level have 40% fewer flu and colds. Fewer breast cancers, MS symptoms, etc. Your body can absorb up to 20k ius from the sun each day so 400ius is nothing. It’s also a potential reason why many dark skinned people are dying from covid at a higher rate—it takes more sun exposure to absorb D than lighter skin people (lower D levels). Its also important that vitamin k and magnesium are taking too, both help in the absorption of D and most are deficient in those as well.

  22. How does a southern European country like Greece fit into all this then? There rates of deaths in infection have been some of the lowest in Europe.

    • It could be explained if Greeks get more Vitamin D3 from sunlight and/or diet than people in Italy or Spain… do you think they do?

  23. Get a BLOOD test… THEN adjust your intake accordingly. I take an average of 6500iu per day and Magnesium 3x a week. We all uptake D differently… Get your blood level to 60ng – 100ng…

  24. What about vitamin D3 ??

    • Yes, D3! It can be used immediately by your body. D2 needs to be converted into D3 first. Also, take K2 with it as K2 makes D3 work. I take a D3/K2 sublingual combo. If you need more D, you cannot take more of this combo as too much K2 is toxic. Take a separate D3 gel cap instead. Any cheap D3/K2 or D3 gel cap will work.

  25. Martin L Baker | May 13, 2020 at 7:41 pm | Reply

    Finally some common sense in the fighting of any virus. add tumeric qunol brand is best and omega 3 fatty acids 1200 mil to that Regimen and probiotic along with vitamin D and the death rate of this virus would be cut by 1/2 But there’s no money in those protocols they need a vaccine which will never work and cost billions the medical industry is a joke anymore give me a break they kill more people than they save every year!!!

  26. i have been taking 5000 iu D3/100mg of k2 combo pill for hardening of the arteries and high bp. It is a great mix. You would be surprised to know all the things it has done for me. In fact, I have only been mildly sick since I started taking it 3 years ago maybe once. Also, throw out the 30 spf.

  27. Tornado Steve | May 13, 2020 at 8:10 pm | Reply

    It took 15,000 units of Vitamin D to raise my levels from as low as 12 to normal. Normal for me is a score of fifty from testing. 400 IU is useless for me, as always consult your doctor and your mileage may vary.

  28. Margaret Barksdale | May 13, 2020 at 8:11 pm | Reply

    I take 2000m of Vit D daily… also get the prolia shot every 6 months… glad I listened to my doctor for once…

  29. Makes one wonder, Michigan has one of the highest percentage of deaths from COVID 19 and residents have traditionally have been known to have vitamin D deficiency.

  30. Another benefit of Vitamin D- women with good D levels have less breast cancer. My FMD wants me on 5000 per day, and has recommended 10K in the past to get my levels up.

  31. Seems like we all have shied away from vitamin A and D enriched milk in favor of say a sports drink. History repeats itself.

  32. Sheri Murphy | May 13, 2020 at 8:40 pm | Reply

    Shouldn’t this be about Vitamin D3? There are a variety of Vit D out there, but in the case of those who don’t get enough Sun, my physician recommended D3 and it works well.

  33. Go to Hippy Hollow

  34. I take a D3/K2 sublingual as you need the K2 to make D3 work. But I only take one of these as you cannot take too much K2 as it can be toxic. Then a D3 gel cap as my D is low and this brings my D into normal range. Take D3 and not D2 as your body needs to convert D2 to D3 in order to use it.

  35. Hla-b27 positive vs Covid-19
    I am HLA-B27 positive which stops viruses like influenza, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis among other viruses from mutating, This leads to vigorous and specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses, which play an important role in the body’s immune response to these viruses. HLA-B27 thus carries out its natural function highly effectively. So some researcher should take my blood and test it against Covid-19 them we would have more change to create a cure instead of trying to sell tablet that are already on the shelf for sale

    • Janis k Ripple | May 14, 2020 at 7:40 am | Reply

      I Also am positive HLa-b27.
      I’m Interested in what you know .
      I have a friend- Also HLA – B27 she has Alkalosis Spondylitis.
      Any information will be read and studied .

  36. What is the best form of vitamin D?

    • D3. It can be used immediately by your body. D2 needs to be converted into D3 first. Also, take K2 with it. I take a D3/K2 sublingual combo. If you need more D, you cannot take more of this combo as too much K2 is toxic. Take a separate D3 gel cap instead. Any cheap D3/K2 or D3 gel cap will work.

  37. I had back surgery in October 2019 and my Dr.recomended to start taking D3 vit. 4000 every day + vit.E1000 to help absorbed D3, I had the surgery and Iwas walking the same day. I also had Covid19 in February and I didn’t know i had it until I recover and no fever ever I was just very tired for 1 1/2 week I ‘m 76 yrs. Old and doing great!

  38. I was prescribed vitamin D3 capsules at one per day by my GP as I suffer from a social phobia and rarely if not ever go outdoors.i take one every morning because I don’t get much sunlight.hopefuly the link to vitamin D3 and the covid19 is real.

  39. Another good tip is spend a bit of time outside in the sunshine while we are in lockdown and get a bit of natural victim D, but stay safe and don’t get Sun burnt.

  40. Vitamin D3 must be the one to take and 400 units is far too low. I have been taking 5,000 units per day for years.

    • I take 2,400 a day and blood test show I am good. D3 can be used immediately by your body. D2 needs to be converted into D3 first. Also, take K2 with it. I take a D3/K2 sublingual combo. If you need more D, you cannot take more of this combo as too much K2 is toxic. Take a separate D3 gel cap instead. Any cheap D3/K2 or D3 gel cap will work.

  41. What about middle east they have many cases died due to Covid-19 although the amount of sun exposure.

  42. Are they tryung to sell more vitamin D? Why not just recommend foods that supply vitamin A which the body converts to vitamin D naturally?

  43. Yes and these people are probly sponsored by firms that make vit d tabs !!!!

  44. The inf is useful.

  45. Junk science. Happenstance irrelevant correlation that’s trying to be passed off as a major finding. You “scientists” are ridiculous, only trying to stay published and relevant to the dismay of the rest of us….we suffer the consequences of your lack of time and real effort to discover.

    • You mean it’s the same as Trump saying hydroxychloroquine is a game changer when in fact it’s useless or even deadly?

  46. The commentators on the blog may be a bit wrong as well as well as reverse confirmation bias. For starters, its debatable how much sun can give you vitamin d and whether it’s the uvb in balancing skin cancer risk. Lighter skinned individuals tend to absorb it better with redheads enhancing production. However they are susceptible to skin disease and cancer. Also it’s well known that the sun causes skin damage. Yes,the sun is natural but can be toxic. Darker skinned folks don’t absorb it well so if they live in less sunny climates it’s a problem. Also, modernization of economy means not as many farm workers are spending sunrise to sunset in the sun.Complicating matters is how thin you are as fat soluble,other vitamins and minerals that assist in absorption or conditions which help or hinder and which foods you eat. It seems smart look for non sun sources as a general rule primarily.

  47. I need Vito D for osteoporosis but cannot now buy it because of all the adverts for it to everyone. Please address this problem.

    • Try Not affiliated with them, just a fan of their prices, brands including their own, and their stock quantities.

  48. Oops, I Forgot to mention one important detail, check levels of vit D3 at least once a year.. any doctor can order this blood test is becoming part of ur physical. I started with 13 wow very low. Took 1000mg went up to 40.. still not the best for me… now I take 5000mg but in about 2 months I will do blood test If it is between 50 to 70 great. I may take only 3 times a week. Vitamin D3 can also be hard on kidneys reason you must check blood at least once a year especially if you are taking big doses. Drs now are waking up to Vit D3. Also get a good brand there many out there. I believe the products from, Life Extension are the best for me for the past 25 years. They also have Doctor’s believing in PREVENTION (eat healthy.) YOU CAN TALK TO THEM ON THE PHONE FOR FREE.

  49. Cany uptake D without magnesium. Can’t uptake magnesium without calcium.

    Your body does not absorb without the other essential elements….

  50. Just drink milk. If your body is lactose intolerant than take supplements….I don’t recommend baking yourself in the sun

  51. How effective is the vitamin D you get from food, i.e. salmon, mackeral, trout, eggs, milk?

  52. Jesse Lafountaine | May 14, 2020 at 6:29 am | Reply

    It has more to do with genetics than sunlight in a region. Vitamin D levels with genetic mutations like HLA-B will determine viral resistance also cytokine storms are only bad in patients with weak killer T cells.

  53. Wondering if any natural redheads were studied. We all make our own Vitamin D. My numbers are always good when tested in the past. No C19 in our family of redheads. All antibody screens have been negative too.

  54. Milliard syverain | May 14, 2020 at 6:36 am | Reply


  55. james landauer | May 14, 2020 at 6:50 am | Reply

    Every aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic (except the virus, itself) is explained by the on-going world-wide epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. The world is deficient in vitamin D. For the past 15 years, hundreds of studies have found vitamin D deficiency to be endemic from Labrador to Lima, from Wuhan to Wellington. Vitamin D is essential to multiple systems in the body. One of those systems is the part of the immune system that protects you from viruses. Another is the respiratory system, the lungs. Vitamin D deficiency opens you up to virtually every pulmonary disease from the common cold to Lung cancer. Vitamin D deficiency causes a double whammy with Covid-19.
    It has long been recognized that seasonal Influenza is associated with seasonal changes in vitamin D secondary to seasonal changes in sunlight. Multiple studies have found that vitamin D levels are negatively correlated with many pulmonary pathologies ranging from emphysema to asthma. Vitamin D plays an important role in the process of innate immunity and vitamin D deficiency can be described as a form of immune-deficiency. Vitamin D supplements have been therapeutic in multiple forms of respiratory disease.
    Covid-19 is a new virus of the Corona family, related to SARS and MERS. It was first described in November, 2019, in Wuhan, China. It is very infectious, is spreading rapidly and can now (April, 2020) be found throughout the world. It has proven to be exceptionally lethal as respiratory viruses go, especially when it infects individuals with serious pre-existing conditions.
    Vitamin D deficiency interacts with latitude, altitude, sunlight, diet, air pollution, cigarette smoking, age, air pollution, skin color, obesity and all of these factors came together in places like Wuhan and Teheran and Seattle and New York. B-type Ultraviolet light (280-315 nm) (UVB), the frequency of light at which vitamin D is produced in the skin, changes intensity as one moves either north or south from the equator. Hence, 15 minutes of direct sunlight produces more vitamin D at the Mexican-American border than at the American-Canadian border. It also changes with the changing tilt of the planet as it move through its yearly orbit. In autumn, when the Earth tilts away from the Sun in the Northern hemisphere, vitamin D production is reduced. At my latitude, 40°N, the intensity of UVB on skin produces vitamin D between March 15 and October 15. Further south, the number of vitamin D producing days is greater, further north it is less.
    Vitamin D Deficiency causes a state of increased systemic oxidative load in the body, raising the level of systemic inflammation. Cigarette smoking, obesity, age and air pollution are additional sources of inflammation.
    According to the popular press, the following cities are or have been centers of Covid-19 infection: Wuhan, China is at 30.56° N and experiences heavy air pollution , Teheran, Iran is at 35.70° N and experiences heavy air pollution, Milan, Italy is at 45.46° N and experiences heavy air pollution, Seattle, USA is at 47.60° N and experiences heavy air pollution, New York, USA is at 40.71° N and experiences heavy air pollution, Los Angeles, USA is at 34.05 and experiences heavy air pollution. At this time of year, the people living in these cities are experiencing their lowest vitamin D levels of the year and it is lower still because of air pollution.
    Covid-19 has been particularly lethal to elderly men. In China, smoking is much more prevalent in men than women. Age and smoking are both risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.
    Diseases of the kidney, liver, lungs, digestive tract, pancreas and, perhaps, the heart are associated with vitamin D deficiency. So, when an elderly, dark skinned, over-weight, male, smoker, suffering from one or more of these comorbidities contracts Covid-19 and dies, the primary cause of death could be described as vitamin D deficiency with multiple contributing factors.
    Air pollution interacts with vitamin D deficiency at multiple levels (20). High altitude aerosols alter the frequency of ambient UVB reducing its ability to generate Vitamin D in the skin. Low altitude (visible) air pollution (PM2.5) acts as a barrier to UVB, reducing its intensity, altering the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D.
    People who live away from the sun: shift-workers, miners, shut-ins (shelterers-in-place), nursing home residents are vitamin D deficient. Submariners are supplemented with vitamin D. When we spend time in the summer sunshine, our skin becomes “tan”. This is to protect us from too much UVB. Highly pigmented skin does not absorb UVB as well as light colored skin. People with dark colored skin are much more likely to be vitamin D deficient. Immigrants who have highly pigmented skin, who move north, such as Africans who relocate to London, are at serious risk of vitamin D deficiency and all the diseases that go with it. African Americans are likely to be vitamin D deficient which explains Covid-19 hot spots in cities like New Orleans, Chicago and St. Louis. On this point, people with dark skin frequently cannot digest milk. That deprives them of the primary dietary source of vitamin D, fortified milk products.
    Few vitamin D-rich foods are in a usual diet: Fatty fish, egg yolk, mushrooms, blubber. Fortified foods are the chief dietary sources of vitamin D. Those foods vary by country but vitamin D fortified milk is commonly consumed by children. This might explain why Covid-19 has had a reduced impact on children. We feed our children vitamin D fortified food but not ourselves. A note: the manufacture of active Vitamin D in the liver and kidneys absolutely requires adequate amounts of magnesium as cofactor. Magnesium is frequently deficient from the usual diet and should be provided to insure adequate vitamin D.
    A 2000 IU capsule of vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) will cost about a nickel (15 minutes in the noon-day sun is free) and a 500 mg tablet of Magnesium Oxide about the same are available at Amazon, E-Bay or any healthfood store. The two together, every morning, will prevent deficiency and strengthen your immune system
    Many pathologies are associated with vitamin D deficiency, ranging from hypertension to macular degeneration … but that is for another day.

  56. is ok to take vitamin D if taking multivitamin supplement

    • Yes. D3/K2 sublingual from Vitacost. Do not take more than one of these as K2 becomes toxic. Get blood test and if your D is really low you can take another D3 gel cap.

  57. Why spend money on supplements when you can get in free by going out in the sun?

  58. Nathan moore | May 14, 2020 at 7:16 am | Reply

    Spain and italy have a much older population. Its is proven fact people over 70 are high risk so the countries with a high 70+ age group will have a high death rate. Pffft students!

  59. Kathy Stempko | May 14, 2020 at 7:35 am | Reply

    Too many Western docs do not connect D deficiencies with needing K as a carrier so body can absorb the D!!
    I was deficient for years until a naturopath FINALLY got me on the correct dosage!

  60. Charles Fettinger | May 14, 2020 at 7:49 am | Reply

    Vitamin D helps regulate blood sugar, also a key factor among those with severe Covid-19 outcomes. Since the virus was created in cell cultures and used glucose as a shield, it has an optimal glucose level that is low. Vitamin D may keep your blood sugar level regulated and prevent a situation where the virus grabs the glucose in your system and robs your cells of energy.

    In a low blood glucose environment, the virus then becomes more attractive to cells. Conversely, if you blood glucose is too high, it may trigger insulin levels which might assist the glucose covered virus in entering cells.

    I have contacted researchers to help provide analysis of this. However, there is resistance because of the denial of the source of the virus. A simple study of optimal blood glucose levels and Covid-19 will confirm it is the same as a cell culture. It will also guide our IV glucose levels in people on respirators.

  61. I have been in a vitaminD study for over ten years and take 5000 international units a day. My average serum levels are at 65 nano grams per milliliter.

  62. PEOPLE! Do we not have the capability of talking to our Doctors? Doing our own research? Why do you want your GOVERNMENT to dictate your health information?

    • In these times it’s important not to overload doctors with non-emergency consultation they have enough on their plate already.

  63. This was news early early to mid march and the reason why on 13 march I bought a large bottle of vitamine D3 capsules (1000IU) on March 13 and taking “the pill” has been a lunch time ritual for the whole family since.

  64. Dr Chinasa Anya, PhD | May 14, 2020 at 8:12 am | Reply

    Why the silence on the possible adverse reaction of vitamin D with drugs for comorbidity diseases, such as seizures, cancers, high blood pressure, etc in many covid-19 patients?

    Beside the interaction with the drugs, some underlying health conditions reduce the availability of Vitamin D in the blood, irrespective of whether the source is natural or through supplements. So it is very cavalier to recommend increasing vitamin D intake for quick recovery from Covid-19.

    That no overdose of vitamin D intake has been recorded could simply be because enough attention has not been given to its study.

  65. I like Kilo’s idea !!

    • Miriam. Lawlor | May 14, 2020 at 10:20 pm | Reply


  66. Howard A Dowling | May 14, 2020 at 8:21 am | Reply

    N-Acetly-L-Cysteine(NAC) is a non-essential amino acid also boosts the respiratory system and aids in liver function. It may also help with the bodies ability to resist the Corona virus .

  67. Undetected Vitamin D deficiency is very widespread. Not only from reduced exposure to the sun and vitamin deficient diets, but also from the vast number of people taking static drugs for high cholesterol. Statins block cholesterol which disrupts processing of D to D3 in the skin. If you’re on statin drugs, you should be tested annually and take D3 supplements.

  68. READ!!!!

  69. Josie philpott | May 14, 2020 at 9:27 am | Reply

    Im waiting for my gp to prescribe me 80mg of vitamin d. Had results on my vit d and yet again it’s right in my boots . Serverly deficiency. I will take the high dose for 3mths and then see what maintenance dose I need . That article is helpful and a bit scary

  70. Your headline is incorrect. You are stating a vitamin D correlation as a fact. The study does NOT say that vitamin D “determines” the severity, only that there is a correlation between populations that have higher vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 severity. “Here we see observational evidence of a link of vitamin D with mortality.”

    I’m surprised and disappointed that a science site would not understand this basic fact of studies (which prove nothing and only suggest). Please re-do your headline.

  71. If you are truly deficient, 400 IU is nothing. Our skin makes tens of thousands of IU just from a few minutes of summer sunshine. If you are not getting adequate sun exposure and eating high vitamin D foods in the thousands of IU per day. this is even more true for people with darker skin.

    A nutritionist recently put me on 10,000 IU to catch up, as I had not been supplementing and even last summer my sun exposure was inadequate.

  72. If you are truly deficient, 400 IU is nothing. Our skin makes tens of thousands of IU just from a few minutes of summer sunshine. If you are not getting adequate sun exposure and eating high vitamin D foods, you probably need to supplement thousands of IU per day. And dietary vitamin D needs are even greater for people with darker skin.

    A nutritionist recently put me on 10,000 IU to catch up, as I had not been supplementing and even last summer my sun exposure was inadequate.

    Two excellent sites : this one tracks news on vitamin D, particularly relating to covid-19:

    The many benefits of sunlight even for fair skinned people; how to get sun exposure without fear of sunburn or cancer.

  73. This maybe could explain why children don’t contract the virus since what I believe their vitamin D intake is more than adults through milk, cheese, etc. And also explains why older people are affected more by the virus since they have more deficiencies for vitamins D.
    I think

  74. (CORRECTED):
    If you are truly deficient, 400 IU is nothing. Our skin makes tens of thousands of IU just from a few minutes of summer sunshine. If you are not getting adequate sun exposure and eating high vitamin D foods, you probably need to supplement thousands of IU per day. And dietary vitamin D needs are even greater for people with darker skin.

    A nutritionist recently put me on 10,000 IU to catch up, as I had not been supplementing and even last summer my sun exposure was inadequate.

    Two excellent sites : this one tracks news on vitamin D, particularly relating to covid-19:

    The many benefits of sunlight even for fair skinned people; how to get sun exposure without fear of sunburn or cancer.

  75. Carl H Hauser | May 14, 2020 at 11:58 am | Reply

    The article states, “The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant.” A clarification: this is meaningless. To support the intended point, the focus should be on the magnitude of the correlation rather than merely on its statistical significance which merely suggests that the linear relationship between the two variables is significantly different from zero. For example a correlation of about .264 is “significant” at the
    05 level if calculated on only 30 cases(pairs).

  76. My mother is type 2 Diabetic, she can’t just start taking Vitamin D without consultation with her GP. It’s great to recommend a supplement that so obviously has many benefits but for those already on a variety of medication it could in fact compromise the effectiveness of what they are already taking. Make sure you seek professional medical advice prior to beginning any course of Vitamin D supplementation.

  77. If you are concerned about too much vitamin D a pharmacist can calculate it using your weight. I asked my pharmacist when buying calcium for mom.. (it also contains vitamin D) as mom takes 100,000iu weekly for osteoporosis. Thanks for the article

  78. ShedThisSoul | May 14, 2020 at 4:43 pm | Reply

    I get vitamin D, b-12 and magnesium that comes with my other meds and before this, I just left the house twice a month for dr appointments anyways.I was already a shut in, but difference between choosing to leave the house and being forced.Idk why I’m posting, guess just saying Mental disorders dont stop because of a pandemic and multivitamin wouldnt hurt

  79. It sounds like doctors and researchers are really very confused about Vitamin D, so they are making up that Vitamin D is important. IF sunny countries have a higher death rate, then Vitamin D did not save them. Vitamin D is being depleted by dentistry.

  80. Prove it.

  81. Colleen Wisch | May 14, 2020 at 9:24 pm | Reply

    I want ppl to know that even when I test negative for gluten,
    I suffered malnutrition at 64 years with a low T4 so put on 25
    mg of thyroid med to bring it back up , chose to go to a Thyroid specialist. He says it doesn’t matter if I was negative for gluten intolerance. I finally went gluten free & started to actually absorb my nutrition from my food. I was sick all my life & anemic bcz the small intestine will not a absorb with gluten in the gut. I ate very well always so I just kept looking
    for answers. I asked my doctors and got minimal suggestions. They waited till blood work numbers say insurance will pay. I had to seek out my answers and tell the
    new primary care doctors . It took 6 months for my Vitamin D to raise 2 points after going GF. I’m up to 34 now. Women are
    supposed to be @ 50 and low is 30. Get checked for your levels. People who don’t absorb D are in for serious disease @ my age. Too late for me but not you. GF will allow absorbing Vitamin D . Is now study how it brings on mental illness / schizophrenia at UNiversity of Florida.

    • Colleen, I don’t believe that it is too late for you. Just supplement with vitamin D3, 5000 daily. Then get your levels checked in 6 months. It may take awhile, but stick to it. It would be best if you take magnesium and k2 with it for best absorption.

  82. C. M.Spfld, IL | May 14, 2020 at 10:37 pm | Reply

    2,000 IU FOR ADULTS…

  83. A few of these comments are an absolute sacrilege! Isn’t anyone monitoring these comments?

  84. What kind of Magnesium? There are some that cause more diarrhea than others. Aren’t there 9 types? Also, have you had your magnesium numbers pulled. I’ve never had a doctor request those numbers. Stool test is only valid because no blood test can give correct numbers.

  85. Gevity Vitamins | July 1, 2020 at 2:12 am | Reply

    A nice compact article, love the content!

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