Aging News

Aging refers to the process of becoming older, encompassing a range of biological, psychological, and social changes that occur over the course of an individual’s life. Biologically, aging is marked by the gradual decline in cellular and organ function, which can lead to an increased risk of disease and death. This process involves a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Key biological mechanisms involved in aging include DNA damage, telomere shortening, oxidative stress, and cellular senescence. Psychologically, aging can affect cognitive function, memory, and mental health, while socially, it impacts roles, relationships, and activities within society. Despite these challenges, aging can also bring about positive psychological growth, including increased wisdom, life satisfaction, and emotional well-being. Gerontology, the study of aging, aims to understand and mitigate the adverse effects of aging and to promote better health and quality of life as people age. Research in this field focuses on extending healthspan, the portion of life spent in good health, rather than merely prolonging lifespan, emphasizing the importance of healthy aging.