Kobe University News

Kobe University, located in the cosmopolitan city of Kobe, Japan, is one of the country’s leading national universities. Established in 1949, it emerged from the integration of several older institutions, offering a rich history in education and research. Kobe University is renowned for its comprehensive academic programs spanning the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, and engineering. It is particularly noted for its research in maritime sciences and international law, reflecting Kobe’s significant port city status. The university fosters a global outlook, with extensive international partnerships facilitating student exchanges and joint research initiatives. The picturesque campus provides a stimulating environment for students and faculty, enhancing its reputation as a center for scholarly excellence and innovation.

Does Ancient Virus Genome Drive Autism?

Although autism is a common neurodevelopmental disorder, the multiple factors behind its onset are still not fully understood. Animal models of idiopathic autism,[1] especially mice,…