Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution News

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is a private, non-profit research facility dedicated to the study of marine science and engineering. Located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, it was established in 1930 and has since become one of the most prestigious oceanographic institutions in the world. WHOI operates a number of research vessels and submersibles, including the famous submersible Alvin, which has been instrumental in numerous deep-sea explorations, including the study of the Titanic wreck. The institution’s research covers a broad spectrum of topics related to oceanography, such as marine biology, coastal science, geology, and ocean circulation. WHOI scientists contribute significantly to our understanding of the ocean’s role in climate, marine ecosystems, and geophysical processes. Through its research, education programs, and technological innovations, WHOI continues to lead in advancing ocean science and addressing global challenges related to the marine environment.