Chromosomes News

Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells, composed of DNA and proteins that carry genetic information. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure. Human cells typically contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, totaling 46; half of each pair is inherited from each parent. Chromosomes play a vital role in genetics as they contain the instructions needed for an organism’s development, functioning, and reproduction. Each chromosome has a specific sequence of genes, which are units of heredity and direct the production of proteins with assistance from RNA. The study of chromosomes helps in understanding genetic diseases, hereditary patterns, and evolutionary biology. During cell division, chromosomes are duplicated and distributed equally to two daughter cells, a process critical for genetic consistency across generations.

Loops, Flags and Tension in DNA

Chromosomes are organized into loops that regulate genetic information processing, and these loops are extruded by SMC protein complexes like condensin and cohesin. The DNA-binding…