Crater News

Craters are bowl-shaped depressions found on the surfaces of planets, moons, and other celestial bodies, typically formed by the impact of meteorites, asteroids, or comets. When these space objects collide with a planetary surface, the energy released during the impact causes the surrounding material to be displaced and ejected, creating a crater. The size and shape of a crater can vary widely depending on factors such as the size, speed, and angle of the impacting body, as well as the geological characteristics of the surface it strikes. On Earth, craters can also result from volcanic activity, where magma chamber collapses or explosive eruptions create a similar concave formation. Studying craters is crucial for understanding the geological history of planets and moons, including the Earth, and provides valuable insights into the frequency and effects of past collisions with celestial objects.

Newly Formed Craters Located on Mars

These craters provide fascinating clues regarding the formation and evolution of the planet’s interior and atmosphere. Four new craters created by impacts on the surface…