Muscle News

Muscle is a specialized tissue found in animals, crucial for movement and force generation. It is divided into three main types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles attached to bones by tendons and are controlled consciously to perform movements ranging from delicate to powerful actions. These muscles are striated, meaning they have a banded appearance due to the orderly arrangement of contractile proteins. Cardiac muscle, found only in the heart, is also striated but operates involuntarily, controlled by the heart’s internal pacemaker to pump blood continuously throughout the body. Smooth muscle, which is non-striated, surrounds internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels, and its contractions are involuntary, regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Muscle tissue’s ability to contract results from the complex interaction of proteins, primarily actin and myosin, which utilize energy in the form of ATP to produce movement or maintain tension within the body.