Seawater News

Seawater is the saline water found in the Earth’s oceans and seas, covering about 71% of the planet’s surface. It is a complex mixture primarily composed of water (H₂O) and dissolved salts, with sodium chloride (table salt) being the most abundant. On average, seawater has a salinity of about 3.5%, meaning there are 35 grams of dissolved salts in every kilogram of seawater. This salinity, along with temperature, density, and chemical composition, varies across different regions and depths of the oceans, influenced by factors such as evaporation, precipitation, river inflows, and ocean currents. Seawater is home to a vast array of marine life and ecosystems, playing a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing and distributing solar energy. It is also a valuable resource for humans, providing food, recreational opportunities, and avenues for transportation and commerce, as well as potential sources of drinking water through desalination processes. However, seawater is also susceptible to pollution and environmental changes, necessitating efforts to protect and conserve ocean health.