Beetle News

Beetles are a diverse and widespread group of insects belonging to the order Coleoptera, which is the largest of all the insect orders, encompassing about 40% of all described insect species. Beetles are characterized by their hard, chitinous exoskeletons and forewings that are modified into protective covers called elytra, which shield the delicate hind wings and abdomen. This design allows them to inhabit virtually every terrestrial and freshwater environment, adapting to an incredible range of ecological niches. Beetles play various roles in the environment; some species are important pollinators, while others are predators, decomposers, or pests of crops and stored products. Their life cycle includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult, with many species exhibiting complex and highly specialized developmental stages. The study of beetles is not only crucial for understanding ecological dynamics but also for applications in agriculture, where their impact can be both beneficial and detrimental.