Drought News

Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water that significantly impacts ecosystems, agriculture, and water supply. It differs from other natural disasters like floods or hurricanes in that it develops slowly and can persist for months or even years, causing widespread damage and hardship. There are several types of drought: meteorological (lack of precipitation), agricultural (lack of moisture affecting crop yields), hydrological (reduced water levels in rivers and lakes), and socioeconomic (when water shortage affects people’s daily lives and the economy). The effects of drought can be severe, including crop failure, soil degradation, reduced drinking water supply, and increased risk of wildfires. Drought conditions can also lead to long-term economic loss in agricultural communities, forced migration, and conflicts over water resources. Addressing drought effectively requires integrated water management and proactive policies aimed at conservation and sustainable use, as well as improving resilience to climate change impacts.