Our Species Is Still Evolving: Forearm Artery Reveals Humans Evolving From Changes in Natural Selection

Blood Vessels Model

A new study shows our species is still evolving in unique ways and changes in the natural selection could be the major reason.

Study shows our species is still evolving and changes in natural selection could be the major reason.

Humans haven’t developed genetic mutations for telepathy or superpowers just yet, but a new study shows our species is still evolving in unique ways and changes in the natural selection could be the major reason.

An investigation by Dr. Teghan Lucas at Flinders University and Professor Maciej Henneberg and Dr. Jaliya Kumaratilake at the University of Adelaide published in the Journal of Anatomy has shown a significant increase in the prevalence of the median artery in humans since the late 19th century.

The Median artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the human forearm and hand, when first formed in the mother’s womb but it disappears once two arteries seen in adults develop. But many people now retain the median artery for their whole life in addition to the other two arteries (about one in three).

This evolutionary trend will continue in those born 80 years from today, with the median artery becoming a common in the human forearm.

Human Forearm Median Artery

Sketch of median artery in human forearm. Credit: Prof. Dr. Hab. Maciej Henneberg, University of Zurich

The radial and ulnar arteries usually replace the median artery during developmental stages in the womb, so most adults obviously don’t have a median artery, but increasing numbers of cases retain the artery, so a person can have all three arteries, because the median artery poses no actual health risk.

Dr. Teghan Lucas from Flinders University says this study into the prevalence of the artery over generations shows that modern humans are evolving at a faster rate than at any point in the past 250 years.

“Since the 18th century, anatomists have been studying the prevalence of this artery in adults and our study shows it’s clearly increasing. The prevalence was around 10% in people born in the mid-1880s compared to 30% in those born in the late 20th century, so that’s a significant increase in a fairly short period of time, when it comes to evolution.”

“This increase could have resulted from mutations of genes involved in median artery development or health problems in mothers during pregnancy, or both actually. If this trend continues, a majority of people will have median artery of the forearm by 2100.”

Dr. Teghan Lucas at Flinders University explains humans have shown a significant increase in the prevalence of the median artery in humans since the late 19th century. This evolutionary trend will continue in those born 80 years from today, with the median artery becoming a common in the human forearm as a result of natural selection. Credit: Flinders University

The research group investigated the prevalence of artery in each generation by analyzing published records and dissecting cadavers from individuals born in the 20th century.

Senior author Professor Maciej Henneberg who is also a member of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, says the median artery offers benefits because it increases overall blood supply and can be used as a replacement in surgical procedures in other parts of the human body.

“This is micro evolution in modern humans and the median artery is a perfect example of how we’re still evolving because people born more recently have a higher prevalence of this artery when compared to humans from previous generations.”

“We’ve collected all the data published in anatomical literature and continued to dissect cadavers donated for studies in Adelaide and we found about one-third of Australians have the median artery in their forearm and everyone will have it by the end of the century if this process continues.”

Other examples of human anatomy changing over time, include the prevalence of spina bifida occulta (opening of the sacral canal), abnormal connections of two or more bones in feet, increasing absence of wisdom teeth, thyroidea ima artery (branch of the aortic arch) — decreased over time, disappeared completely by the end of the 20th century) and fabella (small bone in the back of the knee joint — increased over time).

References: “Recently increased prevalence of the human median artery of the forearm: A microevolutionary change” by Teghan Lucas, Jaliya Kumaratilake and Maciej Henneberg, 10 September 2020, Journal of Anatomy.
DOI: 10.1111/joa.13224

57 Comments on "Our Species Is Still Evolving: Forearm Artery Reveals Humans Evolving From Changes in Natural Selection"

  1. But what would be the specific selective pressure that is causing this result?

    • It’s more a case of there are no factors selecting against it. It’s an honest to…. well it’s a genuine example of a beneficial or benign mutation as opposed to a fatal or dangerous one.

    • Quite simple, additional artery increased the risk of bleeding to death in case of accident in the past since we had no emergency rooms like today.now even if you are still at higher risk of having a bleed at this level you won’t die. So you will pass your genes for the artery.

  2. My bet is on some environmental pollutant that alters embryo development and turns off the switch to degrade the artery.

  3. This is probably not from selective pressure. Evolution is much more than selective pressure. Genetic drift. Random mutation. Etc etc.

  4. I would think biggest reason is we are becoming a more sedentary species so using arms more than legs thus need for more blood supply to forearms and hands to do more reaching and grabbing and manipulation of items sitting be hind a desk or infront of a computer.

  5. Coincide with technological advance?

  6. I imagine this is far more likely to be an environmental reaction rather than a genetic one.

    Similarly, there’s also more women with green hair these days. Not because of evolution but because of a reaction to the environment. (In this case hair dye applied to hair).

    We’re using our bodies in different ways than they did 100 years ago. The human body is adaptable. Its not evolution if using a keyboard during development causes more blood to be supplied to wrists.

    To me it seems highly illogical for the first assumption to be this is evolution rather than our body responding to our environment.

  7. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, right? Then can somebody please explain SHEEP to me in this whole survival of the fittest theory? Because if you’ve got sheep in a pen and some wolves get in the pen the sheep will huddle together and not even try to fight back in any way, shape or form, they won’t even try to run….. they’ll stay huddled together as the wolves kill them one by one. Natural selection? Survival of the fittest? Really?

    • First of all, Darwin defined fitness as an ability to adapt to changes in the environment, not who kills whom.

      Secondly, domestic animals have had their evolutions hijacked by humans breeding out the more aggressive personality types but if we hadn’t taken their horns away huddling together would be a pretty effective group defence like a Roman Shield wall. Check out the bighorn sheep for a sheep more like the original animal.

      Thirdly, in a pen it’s hardly a fair fight.

      • “First of all, Darwin defined fitness as an ability to adapt to changes in the environment, not who kills whom”


        It matters ZERO what Darwin may or may not have “defined” Science deals with that which is observable testable repeatable verifiable and falsifiable.. Fairytales and Frog to Prince stories about “long ago and far away” don’t count….

        “Darwinism has become our culture’s official creation myth, protected by a priesthood as dogmatic as any religious curia.”

        (Nancy Pearcey)

    • You’re oblivious to the fact that herding behavior is itself a product of evolution because it increases the survival chances members of the herd.

      Also, the number of sheep a wolf can take is obviously limited. There is no realistic chance of all the sheep being taken. If this were the case domestic sheep would’ve gone the way of the dodo a very very long time ago.

  8. So let’s see… More and more people are becoming attracted to other people with this third artery and they reproduce while people with only 2 arteries are now much less appealing to each other. Uh, yeah. Sure.

    • That’s not the proposed selection pressure here. Obviously you either didn’t read or didn’t understand the article.

  9. If the sheep weren’t pinned up they would run. The slowest or weakest one would get killed and the rest would live to see another day and possibly pass on their genes. Survival of the fittest.

  10. @Edward because sheep are domesticated, and their instinct (and need) for survival is not a trait that was selected by the humans who bred them. Human selection is not natural selection.

  11. @Bobby soup if you read again it states the median artery disappears before birth. Not sure how many babies are using keyboards in utero.
    And green dyed hair is a body modification, not a biological response. Poor analogy.

  12. Ummm.. The bible refers us all as being Sheep ! Lol.. Imagine that ! As majority of ppl. On the planet cuddle together just waiting to be plucked off one by one or hundreds by hundreds. Must be so they can all get them chips stuck in side them and a dose of god know what shot inside them for Corona.. I do see why outta all animals he calls us Sheep ! Cause you know if the pen was opened up they might go out but then they’d all stand around on the out side just waiting for that chance to follow each other into a pit of deadly infections or something obviously not right ! Crazy ! Tell. the sheep run and they just look the other way.. Ya.. Holy Sheep S#!t We have IQs of Sheep I think ! Hell with more arteries we need some brains and manual to use them I think. Let alone some wavoes

  13. That’d be wild if it was because more people literate and can read and write

  14. According to Evolutionary Biologists, over the course of “500 million years” while SOME comb jellyfish were evolving into humans, OTHER comb jellyfish were evolving into…Comb Jellyfish!! (Living Fossils) One has to suffer from mental illness to actually believe the Planet of the Apes Science Fiction Novel about”long ago and far away” Evolutionism is a fraud.

    Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless.”

    (Prof. Louis Bounoure, Director of Research, National Center of Scientific Research.)

    • No, Comb Jellies did not evolve into humans because that’s not how it works but we have a common ancestor. You don’t understand evolution at all.

      Also your quote is actually a misquote.

      • No, Comb Jellies did not evolve into humans..

        YES!! You are right!! You should trust your instincts more..LOL


        You really don’t know much about your OWN science fiction novel about Long Ago and Far Away do you!

        Or are you claiming that YOU are the authority of how the Science Fiction of Darwin is supposed to be written and NOT The Scientists and Evolutionary Biologists from Vanderbilt and Wisconsin-Madison universities? LOL


        Oh, while you are at it, please write a letter to the scientists from the University of Miami and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Maryland. Do me a favor and tell them to stop saying we descended from Jellyfish because YOU not only told me that their opinion doesn’t count because YOU are the self proclaimed spokesman for the “Evolutionary Scientific Community” and YOU are the authority of how the SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL is supposed to be written…


        Now THIS is the point where you are supposed to say that you were wrong and you are sorry for trying to pretend you know more about the subject than I do.. But.. It never happens because Evolutionists don’t care about the truth. They simply force themselves to believe in the Fairytale of Evolutionism because it’s IMPLICATIONS happen to align with their philosophical worldview..

        “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled Atheist”
        Richard Dawkins

      • No, Comb Jellies did not evolve into humans..

        YES!! You are right!! You should trust your instincts more..LOL


        You really don’t know much about your OWN science fiction novel about Long Ago and Far Away do you!

        Or are you claiming that YOU are the authority of how the Science Fiction of Darwin is supposed to be written and NOT The Scientists and Evolutionary Biologists from Vanderbilt and Wisconsin-Madison universities? LOL

        Oh, while you are at it, please write a letter to the scientists from the University of Miami and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Maryland. Do me a favor and tell them to stop saying we descended from Jellyfish because YOU not only told me that their opinion doesn’t count because YOU are the self proclaimed spokesman for the “Evolutionary Scientific Community” and YOU are the authority of how the SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL is supposed to be written…

        Now THIS is the point where you are supposed to say that you were wrong and you are sorry for trying to pretend you know more about the subject than I do.. But.. It never happens because Evolutionists don’t care about the truth. They simply force themselves to believe in the Fairytale of Evolutionism because it’s IMPLICATIONS happen to align with their philosophical worldview..

        “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled Atheist”
        Richard Dawkins

        • The Express and the Daily mail are not science publications, they are Murdoch populist rags not worthy of quotation (not peer reviewed). Be that as it may the Express does NOT say we evolved from comb jellies. I never claimed to be an authority, I just know the difference between a scientific publication and a tabloid or a compendium of bronze age myths STOLEN from other cultures and I paid attention in school.

          If you claim to be defending God how do you feel about breaking the ninth commandment?

        • National Geographic is not peer reviewed and is owned by Murdoch. It does have this quote though “But precisely how and when the comb jelly split off from other animal lineages” SPLIT OFF from other lineages. We did not come from comb jellies but from a common ancestor quad erat demonstrandum. What, you think comb jellies just came into existence from nothing?

          I can see you are all pumped for a “fight” but I don’t consider you a challenge and I have to clean my rabbit hutch and shovelling THAT manure will actually have a practical benefit than drag your ignorance about the “internet”. Speciation IS evolution and you confirm it observed so you just won my argument for me. The semantics only matters to you since that is the only way you can win (ie. not on facts).



          Oh and a creationist favorite debunked over and over: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/1/l_011_01.html

          https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution Face it.

          I won’t be giving you more oxygen (Think Apollo 1 or do you think THAT is a conspiracy too?). You can’t teach the deliberately ignorant.

          • Jim Thinnsen | October 9, 2020 at 10:06 pm |

            “We did not come from comb jellies”

            You really don’t know much about your OWN science fiction novel about Long Ago and Far Away do you!

            Now.. Read it CAREFULLY…
            It says the ancestor of ALL animals.. (That includes humans)

            Was Your Ancestor a Ball of Jelly? Evolution Study Surprises Experts
            The ancestor of all animals could have been a ball of jelly—also known as a comb jelly—according to new research.

            Or are you claiming that YOU are the authority of how the Science Fiction of Darwin is supposed to be written and NOT The Scientists and Evolutionary Biologists from Vanderbilt and Wisconsin-Madison universities? LOL

            Oh, while you are at it, please write a letter to the scientists from the University of Miami and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Maryland. Do me a favor and tell them to stop saying we descended from Jellyfish because YOU not only told me that their opinion doesn’t count because YOU are the self proclaimed spokesman for the “Evolutionary Scientific Community” and YOU are the authority of how the SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL is supposed to be written…

            Now THIS is the point where you are supposed to say that you were wrong and you are sorry for trying to pretend you know more about the subject than I do.. But.. It never happens because Evolutionists don’t care about the truth. They simply force themselves to believe in the Fairytale of Evolutionism because it’s IMPLICATIONS happen to align with their philosophical worldview..

            “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled Atheist”
            Richard Dawkins

          • Jim Thinnsen | October 9, 2020 at 10:12 pm |

            Don’t worry, it is never much of a fight when people attempt to defend the indefensible Fairytale of Evolutionism against me.. You will disappear long before that with your tail between your legs..

            If you want to continue to believe in the laughable frog to Prince Fairytale of Evolutionism because it’s IMPLICATIONS happen to align with your philosophical worldview, I am pretty much the LAST person on the planet that you want to have this discussion with..


            If you REALLY want to know the truth, even if that truth is uncomfortable for you to hear, Stick around..

            Your choice…

            Kind Regards JT

            “It’s impossible by micro-mutation to form any new species.”

            (Dr. Richard Goldschmt, evolutionist. Founder of the “Hopeful Monster” theory.)

      • “You don’t understand evolution at all”


        I guess we get to play the dishonest Darwinian game of semantics….

        Before we continue…

        YOU need to clarify what you mean SPECIFICALLY when you use the duplicitous and purposely vague term “Evolution”..

        DO YOU MEAN..

        (1)… Variation, Adaptation, Speciation or ….De-volution?.. i.e. ..Finches beaks, Cave fish going blind, Moth colors, Weak bacteria lacking enzymes targeted by antibiotics, Dog ears, Mutated fruit flies with 2 WORTHLESS extra wings, Bear coats, Dog Ears and Squirrel tails? (ALL OBSERVED)

        OR DO YOU MEAN …

        (2)….Slow Microbe to Microbiologist (UCA for all flora and fauna over 3 BYs)

        And please DONT sit there and try to assert that #1 plus “deep time” leads to #2 as I will embarrass that silly assertion all over the internet..

        You will be required to put your cards on the table here….

        I just KNOW you are going to enjoy this discussion with me… Cant you feel it too?

        Kind Regards JT

        “Darwin’s theory of evolution is the last of the great nineteenth-century mystery religions. And as we speak it is now following Freudians and Marxism into the Nether regions, and I’m quite sure that Freud, Marx and Darwin are commiserating one with the other in the dark dungeon where discarded gods gather.”

        (Dr. David Berlinski)

  15. William Scott Mousley | October 9, 2020 at 4:01 am | Reply

    This is where the Fail in logic is happening.. it is NOT TRUE “Natural Selection. People who normally would have died have been saved by laws, safely measures, strength of Species is altered as cold as it sounds. I doubt that has been included in this study.

  16. The article title has indeed no basis. The changes are not evidence that natural selection is responsible. As some suggested, random mutations may be at the root of change. Still, what is the mechanism for its spread is a mystery. One would need to find that the midlle artery translates in either higher reproduction or lower mortality.

  17. Alesul_from_Exit14:5 | October 9, 2020 at 6:25 am | Reply

    Everyone say My Light instead of God…Say Thank you!!!….I prayed for all people of the Earth to have such experiences so they know where they’re going if not following…You are right He is condescending towards the rich man in the same parable…Me Chosen One should’ve been born rich , noble royal Exit14:5 Son of Pharaoh, predicted Corona revelation 11 No bless for you but The Truth…Book of Enoch(Hanouk)…Alan John Miller in Australia is Jesus Christ (AJ M-Alpha Jesus Mesiah) and Mary Luck(Mary of Martha in Bible other good half) is his predestined half forever…and I No He will come to destroy you one way or another if things dont go to the simple Path of The Living Light God The Only.You have met Jesus in Allan John Miller(AJM-Alpha Jesus Mesiah) and Mary Luck. He may seem as Luciferus(latin meaning morning Star) as in John Apocalypse 21:9 and 22:17 with Mary would be two witness as in cf with Rev 11 Soulmates themselves and Me and another and so on… infinite…infinite witness to God through soulmate connection…DivineTruth.com.
    God is The Eternal Living Light RA(Ray) EL( Him The Light)
    Follow predestination…undo all evil of ancestors…Put the Chosen Ones at Their Most High Place and Never Doubt Them…and to the entire world!!!! t

  18. Meho jasarevic | October 9, 2020 at 7:51 am | Reply

    Simple we are becoming fat and unhealthy. Selecting for more arteries is an advantage to provide oxygenation to the limbs. Natural selection fat mothers and less oxygen in air leads to more arteries needed to provide oxygenation.

    • “Simple we are becoming fat and unhealthy”

      Yeah . We are DE-VOLVING..

      There is no such thing as biological evolution..

      Here is a good website


      • No, that is a terrible site full of misinformation aimed at milking the gullible. Is this where you are getting all your out of context quotes? They talk a lot about the Bible but can’t stick to the 10 commandments, specifically #9 Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against they neighbour.

        • “That is a terrible site”

          Right.. Says the guy who probably got scared by the title and never even opened it…

          For our readers, Here is a thread that I opened on that site almost 2 years ago asking for scientifc evidence to support the Fairytale of Evolutionism

          Will YOU be the first to provide any? Bring it on so I can expose your myth to others…


          Let’s do this Chucky baby…

          Bwak Bwak Bwak.. you know.. the sound a chicken makes..

  19. Statisticscanlie | October 9, 2020 at 9:08 am | Reply

    Not buying it. It’s called gentrification.

  20. Alternately, the sample size and population selected for medical journals 150 years ago was limited to people who may not have had the median artery.

    It is quite possible that different populations of people from around the world exhibit different prevalences of having or not having this artery. And as we, today, have the ability to collect more data, our picture becomes more clear.

    • Surgeons would have noticed, especially in war when there would be a higher number of amputations (safer than trying to save a limb before antibiotics were available). A third artery would have to be cauterised or whatever.

  21. It’s truly disturbing how many still debunk evolution. It’s REAL,people. Learn more and question what you’ve been taught by those who choose not to learn and grow. Your children will benefit.

    • “It’s truly disturbing how many still debunk evolution. It’s REAL”

      I guess we get to play the dishonest Darwinian game of semantics….

      Before we continue…

      YOU need to clarify what you mean SPECIFICALLY when you use the duplicitous and purposely vague term “Evolution”..

      DO YOU MEAN..

      (1)… Variation, Adaptation, Speciation or ….De-volution?.. i.e. ..Finches beaks, Cave fish going blind, Moth colors, Weak bacteria lacking enzymes targeted by antibiotics, Dog ears, Mutated fruit flies with 2 WORTHLESS extra wings, Bear coats, Dog Ears and Squirrel tails? (ALL OBSERVED)

      OR DO YOU MEAN …

      (2)….Slow Microbe to Microbiologist (UCA for all flora and fauna over 3 BYs)

      And please DONT sit there and try to assert that #1 plus “deep time” leads to #2 as I will embarrass that silly assertion all over the internet..

      You will be required to put your cards on the table here….

      I just KNOW you are going to enjoy this discussion with me… Cant you feel it too?

      Kind Regards JT

      “It must be significant that nearly all the evolutionary stories I learned as a student….have now been debunked.”

      (Dr. Derek V. Ager, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London)

      • First, you don’t get to define evolution. (talk about dishonest semantics) but secondly Dr Auger (a Geologist, NOT a biologist) was speaking A CENTURY AGO so any schooling he undertook could be as long ago as 150 YEARS. But your quote is taken out of context as he never doubted the FACT of evolution but there is and was discussion about how it happens.

        How does your God feel about you using lies and libels to plead his case? I’ll tell you: Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbour.

        • “Dr Auger (a Geologist, NOT a biologist) was speaking A CENTURY AGO”

          Oh this is rich..

          Coming from someone who worships at the altar of Chucky the Ape Darwin born OVER TWO CENTURIES AGO..

          What’s wrong? Chronological Snobbery not your strong suit is it sport?

          “Ultimately the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century.”

          (Dr. Michael Denton, molecular biochemist, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis

          • Brian Edwards | October 9, 2020 at 6:20 pm |

            he was talking about what he learned but the theory has evolved over time as more information became available. I do NOT worship at Darwin’s altar, I leave worship to the emotionally damaged. I do accept the fact of evolution and I DESPISE people who sow misinformation.

            I don’t know what you think all these out of context quotes prove. Denton is a creationist doctor whose book has been roundly discredited for failings in science.

  22. Hey, other than the seeming tourette’s episode one of the commenters’ had, going on a Bible quoting ramble, I’ve really enjoyed everyone’s back and forth, here. Thank you <3

  23. Duh! Evolution doesn’t just stop and start. Everything on the planet is constantly evolving.

    • “Everything on the planet is constantly evolving”

      No.. that is not what we OBSERVE…

      We OBSERVE Variation Adaptation Speciation or even DE- volution..

      The only Evolution that exists is in the textbooks and the imagination of the wannabe apes..

      “We have had enough of the Darwinian fallacy. It is time we cry, “The emperor has no clothes.”

      (Dr. Hsu, geologist at the Geological Institute in Zurich.)

      • Again quoting people out of context. Hsu does not refute evolution just the mechanism. De-volution is not an accepted scientific term so….

        • Hsu does not refute evolution just the mecanism..


          Because Hopeful Monsters or PE are so much more believable right champ?

          “Scientists who utterly reject Evolution may be one of our fastest growing controversial minorities…Many of the scientists supporting this position hold impressive credentials in science.”

          (Larry Hatfield, “Educators Against Darwin,”

          • Brian Edwards | October 9, 2020 at 6:26 pm |

            You have nothing but other people’s words taken out of context. Maybe you should crack a book that isn’t a compendium of stolen myths from all over the Mediterranean.

          • Jim Thinnsen | October 9, 2020 at 6:30 pm |

            Brian Edwards said about me..
            “You have nothing but other people’s words taken out of context”

            Let’s ask Brian why he believes that he is nothing more than a worthless accidental ape that SLOWLY descended from sea sponges for no reason and is related to cockroaches bananas elephants and jellyfish when there is ZERO Scientific Evidence to support such madness…LOL

  24. Why have we evolved so little compared to other species.we still have no defense against our own sun for example.which raises alot of questions like where did we come from?

  25. Hsu does not refute evolution just the mecanism..


    Because Hopeful Monsters or PE are so much more believable right champ?

    “Scientists who utterly reject Evolution may be one of our fastest growing controversial minorities…Many of the scientists supporting this position hold impressive credentials in science.”

    (Larry Hatfield, “Educators Against Darwin,”

  26. Evolution is the greatest con of all time. The same is true of the BIG BANG. The former does NOT exist because it’s totally without logic.
    The latter is equally ridiculous.
    To realise this, you just need to apply…logic.

  27. I’m pretty sure the long term consumption of processed foods has a lot to do with our evolution. I would say those of us who eat natural whole foods stand a better chance along the evolutionary chain than those who live on fast/processed foods.

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