Hominin News

Hominins are members of the taxonomic grouping (tribe Hominini) that includes all species evolutionarily closer to humans than to chimpanzees, including all modern and extinct human species and our immediate ancestors. This group encompasses species from the genera Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and others. Hominins are characterized by their bipedal locomotion, which refers to walking on two legs, a trait that distinguishes them from other primates, which generally use four limbs for movement. The study of hominins is crucial for understanding human evolution as it provides insights into the biological and cultural developments over millions of years. Key evolutionary changes in hominins include increased brain size, use of tools, and development of complex social behaviors. The timeline of hominin evolution spans from around 7 million years ago, with candidates like Sahelanthropus tchadensis, to modern humans, Homo sapiens, who emerged around 300,000 years ago.