Insecticide News

Insecticide refers to a chemical or biological substance used to kill or manage the population of insects. These substances are crucial tools in agriculture, public health, and residential settings for controlling pests that may damage crops, spread disease, or cause structural harm. Insecticides are categorized based on their chemical composition or the mechanism by which they affect insects, such as neurotoxins that disrupt nervous system function, growth regulators that alter development, or stomach poisons that affect digestion. Common chemical families of insecticides include organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and neonicotinoids. While highly effective, the use of insecticides raises concerns about environmental and health impacts, such as toxicity to non-target species (including beneficial insects, birds, and aquatic life), the development of resistance among insect populations, and potential effects on human health. Consequently, their application is often carefully regulated and monitored, and there is growing interest in developing more sustainable and less harmful pest management alternatives.