New Horizons News

New Horizons is a NASA space probe launched on January 19, 2006, with the primary mission of performing the first reconnaissance of Pluto and its moons, followed by a journey into the Kuiper Belt, a region of the solar system beyond Neptune filled with icy bodies and remnants from the solar system’s formation. The spacecraft made its closest approach to Pluto on July 14, 2015, providing a wealth of data that transformed our understanding of these distant worlds. New Horizons sent back detailed images and data that revealed complex landscapes with mountains, glaciers, and an atmosphere on Pluto. Following its successful encounter with Pluto, the mission was extended to explore additional Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). On January 1, 2019, it flew by Arrokoth (formerly known as Ultima Thule), which is one of the most primitive objects in the Kuiper Belt, offering further insights into the early solar system’s building blocks. New Horizons continues to push the boundaries of space exploration, sending valuable data back to Earth as it ventures further into the uncharted regions of our outer solar system.