Sun News

The Sun is a medium-sized star at the center of our solar system, a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma that provides the light and energy that sustains life on Earth. It is about 4.6 billion years old, halfway through its expected lifespan of about 10 billion years. The Sun’s massive gravitational pull holds the solar system together, keeping planets, asteroids, and comets in their orbits. Composed primarily of hydrogen (about 75%) and helium (about 25%), it converts these elements into energy through nuclear fusion, which occurs in its core. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy, which travels outward to the solar surface, atmosphere, and beyond. The Sun’s energy is emitted as light and heat, which takes about eight minutes to reach Earth. It influences all aspects of our environment, driving weather, climate, and the chemistry of biological systems. The Sun also exhibits phenomena such as sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections, which can influence space weather and impact satellite and communication systems on Earth.