Monkey News

Monkeys are a large and diverse group of mammals belonging to the primate order, primarily distinguished into New World monkeys (found in South and Central America) and Old World monkeys (located in Africa and Asia). These intelligent and social animals are known for their agility, dexterity, and complex behaviors. Monkeys vary widely in size and appearance, from the tiny pygmy marmoset, which can be as small as a human hand, to the much larger mandrill. They generally have tails, which in some species are prehensile and capable of grasping objects. Monkeys are mostly arboreal, spending a significant amount of time in trees, although some species are also comfortable on the ground. Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of fruit, insects, leaves, and occasionally small animals. Monkeys play significant roles in their ecosystems as seed dispersers and predators of smaller animals and insects, and they are culturally significant to humans, often appearing in folklore and religion. However, many species are threatened by habitat loss and hunting.